The Failed State Rehab Process – A Conservatorship for Failed City-states: Arresting Civilizational Decline & Restoring Functionality

What is the failed state rehab process?

What is this Conservatorship for failed City-states that are no longer capable of taking care of themselves?

What is the Conservatorship Rehabilitation Process?

Simply put, it’s a framework – a process for effectively recognizing & dealing with the failed city-states within our borders – an alternative to the oceans of blood required for the other option that, historically, always seems to evince itself in these situations – Balkanization & the inevitable weakness that’s purchased at such high cost. I would contend that this Balkanization & weakness is quite a dubious gain for such a high price. Trading oceans of blood for greater weakness does not seem like much of a bargain, nor a particularly fantastic option. Not a pathway forward, but rather a pathway backward.

It would seem much wiser to take a different path, exercise a different option.

If there has to be blood (and hopefully this can be avoided, but if not), lets purchase strength, rather than weakness, when paying such a high cost.

Let’s exercise an option that’s in keeping with our traditions & our law – an option that also leaves us with a useful tool & template for future generations to use, should they run into this same problem again.

Our founders knew of this problem, it’s not new, and it’s not something that appears as if it will ever go away – so let’s solve it – create a tool & a template for future use, and leave a positive legacy for the generations yet to come.

In dealing with this issue, once you consider the various options, the choice seems obvious:

A Conservatorship, in keeping with our traditions & our law.

It’s the only option that secures the outcomes we need.

The other options purchase us only instability, uncertainty, & weakness.

Pull up a chair my adult brothers & sisters, let’s talk.

Let’s explore this Conservatorship Rehabilitation Process, look at its details, and see how it works. Let’s find out what we stand to purchase with our efforts, and what we stand to lose if we choose one of the other less wise options, which includes doing nothing.  

Where is the locus of responsibility for the conservatorship?

In keeping with how a conservatorship is assigned – a competent child, parent, spouse, or sibling, generally taking responsibility – the responsibility for care remains as close to the affected party as possible – in our case, the failed City-state.

The assignment of responsibility for care – for rehabilitation – goes in concentric circles outward – starting at the center & radiating outward – until a responsible party is found who is able to successfully address the problems there. Urban>suburban>regional>state>national – or some combined partnership of the aforementioned groups. Collections of neighborhoods within the failed City-states – purposely organized for this rehabilitation effort is always the ideal solution, whenever possible. Those with a vested interest in success will always be the most motivated to solve problems, and the most familiar with those problems, as they have to deal with them every day. The punishment they have to deal with from failing to resolve problems is also an additional motivator. This group is already well positioned to be incentivized by naturally existing circumstances. One critically important additional component that’s required is to ensure that they are responding to beneficial incentives, and not malincentives. This is where the framework comes in, the goalposts & achievements required – the successful initiatives required – in order to come out of conservatorship.

Conservatorships, having been in existence since the late Middle English times, around 1400 – 1450, means that this is a rehabilitation process that is in keeping with our laws & our traditions – in keeping with our people’s long tradition of Western heritage.  [Wayback]

It is the most obvious tool available to us to leverage for the rehabilitation process – transforming failed City-states back into healthy, functioning civilizations capable of effective self-government, and thus fulfilling our contractual obligations to provide a republican form of government for all citizens (Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution). This is the work of stewards & statesmen. This is the work that lies before us.

(Article IV, Section 4 applies specifically to the States – to ALL States – but in doing so, that effectively means that it also guarantees a Republican Form of government to ALL citizens.)

This cannot be stated strongly enough.

Undertaking this failed City-state Rehabilitation Process & returning these failed City-states to a healthy, functional status, addresses a growing error that we have been making for far too long – a contract enforcement error.

Undertaking this failed City-state Rehabilitation Process would be the fulfillment of our contractual obligations, in the Constitution, which guarantees a republican form of government to all states, which by extension, includes all citizens.

It’s well past time that we did a better job of enforcing that contract.

The enforcement errors we’ve been making must end here if we want to survive – as a people, as a nation, and as a civilization. Without enforcement of that contract, our bonds will continue to dissolve & we will descend further & further into anarchy & Balkanization, conflict & war, tyranny & totalitarianism.

We must stop pretending like this is not the choice we face – enforcement or dissolution. It’s time now, not just to ignore, but to mercilessly ridicule those who do make that error of living in a fantasy where some other option exists, whether they do so willfully or out of ignorance.

As I’ve explained in other places, this use of merciless ridicule is not because we take pleasure in being course, or mean; it’s not done out of a sense of frustration that causes us to momentarily lose our professional demeanor – it’s purposeful – it’s because this is a simple behavioral leverage which is required in the situation – a behavioral tool which we have no choice but to apply – if we want to gain the leverage required to force a shift in course, to force a shift in the conversation. This is an uncomfortable truth that we must face. We must continue to try to persuade with all the tools available to us, but “being nice” will no longer be enough. The enemy will exploit that weakness, if we let them. They’re doing so now with widespread success. They are widely cowing people into submission by using precisely this tool of ridicule, in addition to shaming – using false accusations of moral transgressions which opens people up to moral shaming & ridicule. This is their got to move, over & over & over again. You cannot win a war by being nice to an aggressive & ruthless enemy. (And we are currently getting our asses kicked for precisely that reason!) We are most certainly in a war with a ruthless enemy who wants to destroy us.

This is the very stark & serious circumstance we must confront head on, very frankly & publicly. We can no longer keep this to ourselves or be afraid to say these things out loud. And while we must continue to persuade, we cannot be afraid to strategically use ridicule as a means of forcing a shift in course – forcing a shift in the conversation – particularly by directly attacking ALL of those who advocate for things that are destructive to civilization and go against the laws of physics, or the just as concrete laws of human behavior.

Most of us have this capacity for merciless ridicule, but keep it in deep storage when interacting with the civilized world outside of our friend groups, where we otherwise use it as a form of play and camaraderie. It’s time to bring those capabilities out of deep storage and load them into the cannons.

It’s time to use them to end the pretending, and force a necessary conversation.

The pretending, and the infantilization, must end if we want to survive, if we want the republic to survive, if we want civilization to survive.

We face a stark and urgent choice between enforcement or dissolution. The time to pretend otherwise, or to allow anyone who does – any amount of legitimacy or respect – is over.

This is an existential threat and these people are not only, not doing us any favors, but they are – whether they know it or not – actively working for the enemy when they promote the fantasy that any other options exist. This promotion of false options delays our necessary response: ENFORCEMENT. They are marching us towards a cliff, blindly, and at a rapid clip. It’s obvious to everyone who’s paying attention that this cannot go on. And it’s time we said so more forcefully.

We must put aside fantasy, and embrace reality.

Enforcement or dissolution.

This is the choice we face.

We must recognize & acknowledge the obvious choices we face, rather than hiding from them. We must face these challenges, like adults, and send the children out to play.

This is, yet again, another instance where we must make a choice between dealing with our problems by using a fantasy-based decision criteria or a reality-based decision criteria.

It should be self-evident to all adults that one choice embraces success, and one, failure.

Which choice will we make?

The time for very frank adult conversations has arrived.

We have a very serious existential choice to make:

1. Continued rampant crime & widespread dysfunction leading to inevitable collapse & Balkanization


2. Conservatorship & Rehabilitation leading to the return of a healthy, functional status – a healthy & functional civilization.

There are not other options.

There are long and painful meandering pathways that lead to one of those two outcomes, sure, but no other end states.

War, continued tyranny, different varieties of an increasingly consolidated totalitarianism – all definite possibilities – but they all eventually end in one of the above states.

The only question is how much human suffering we want to endure, and over how many years, before we reach one of these end states?

Wisdom would council us not to leave it to chance.

Wisdom would council us to take a much more proactive approach.

Why wait for the future to happen to you?

Why not write that future?

There is no good reason to make the more foolish of those choices.

Let’s write a new chapter rather than letting it be written for us.

We are the authors of our future.

Let’s take responsibility for that, and begin to act accordingly.

Let’s enforce our contract.

Let’s write a new chapter that deals with our failed City-states in a highly effective manner, gives us a new tool and a new template with which to do so that can be used repeatedly in the future, whenever needed – and does so in a way that’s completely in line with our traditions, our law, and our contractual obligations outlined & specified in the Constitution.

The founders were well aware that failed City-states were going to be a problem for us, but for whatever reason – probably because it was not an immediate problem that they urgently needed to solve – they did not leave us a template to deal with that problem.

They were known to have commented that when we were piled up on each other in cities that we would be just as corrupt as Europe had become. So the problem, itself, has long been known, just not necessarily the solution. Or… has it?  

I think the answer is actually quite simple. And actually, the founders did provide it, just not explicitly, but rather, indirectly.

The solution – which constantly suppresses & prevents the corruption they spoke of – is that City-states need to be a microcosm of the Federated Republic Structure of Government, complete with a compendium of checks & balances. And whenever that fails – the Conservatorship Rehabilitation Process is employed, a very useful failsafe tool which is indispensible. This is redundant systems engineering, just as the founders practiced, before anyone even knew that that was a thing.

But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. That is the desired end state – City-states as a microcosm of the Federated Republic Structure of Government – which we will discuss in detail in another place, but we still need a way to get there – a way to arrest the current decline & place these failed City-states back into a healthy & functional status so that they may effectively undertake self-government once again – provide a republican form of government to their citizens, as our contract – the Constitution – promises & requires.

This is the topic at hand, the job of the Conservatorship Rehabilitation Process – the work of the true Stewards & Statesmen among us.

What’s in that framework?

The framework contains a number of component initiatives that must be successfully achieved. Components that are required for functionality, but which are currently missing. [The root problem is that these failed City-states are deficient in a number of ways.]

These initiatives will be the multiple goalposts along the way that these failed City-states must pass – things they must achieve along the road to Rehabilitation – in order to move out of Conservatorship. We will call these things Conservatorship Transition Initiatives.

For instance, one critically important achievement is Election Integrity – Transparent & Independently Auditable Elections – at the level of individual votes, at the level of vote tallies for each office, and at the level of verifying voter registration & eligibility. We will discuss that system in much more detail in another place. But for now, we will simply underline the fact that there is a very clear structure that can be put in place to ensure that Election Integrity exists, AND any citizen or organization can audit any part of that system any time they choose in order to verify it.

If you can’t independently audit your elections at any time – the individual votes, the vote tallies for each office, and the voter registration & eligibility roles – you cannot tell me, or anyone else, that your elections are free, fair, and accurate. If you can’t audit your elections, you simple CANNOT KNOW if they are free, fair, & accurate.

Anything you believe about a system that you can’t audit – is a fantasy belief – a belief that is not based on evidence.

It is critically important that we have that independently auditable system in place, and there is absolutely no reason that we can’t’ do so. We have the technology available to do it. At this point, it’s a very trivial thing to accomplish. Not at all difficult. The current, completely opaque system of “just trust us”, is a ridiculous & insulting farce. It must end. It cannot stand, and will not be tolerated. Opposition to this opaque farce of a system, and conflict around its continued use, will only continue to grow, until it is resolved. This is already happening [here & here] and will only get more insistent. Here is the system that must replace the “just trust us” farce: Election Integrity – a simple, Transparent & Auditable System. This, or something like it, will be required to prevent widespread conflict in the not too distant future. I’m not calling for this. This is simply what happens anytime people no longer see their government as legitimate. And they clearly don’t [here & here]. This is simply a historical pattern that repeats in these circumstances. It does not take a genius to see it. And we would be incredibly foolish to believe that this time will be any different.

Since we are on this topic, addressing conditions that tend to cause conflict, it’s a good time to talk about the conditions that are likely to exist around the rehabilitation of these failed City-states – the trouble that might come with transitioning them back to a healthy & functional status.  

So that we are being honest & forthright with one another about the circumstances that we face, it’s important that we address that point frankly & directly at the outset.

Will the transition from failed City-state to functional City-state be conflict free?

One can hope.

It certainly is possible.

However, it’s very likely that entrenched interests – parasites – will make every effort to start & fuel conflict in order to prevent remediation. (Parasites do not like to be removed from their hosts! This is true throughout the natural world.)

It’s quite reasonable to expect that those in control of the many levers of power in these failed City-states – in addition to the foreign influence & captured federal-level interests who also hold sway there – being intellectually, morally, & ethically bankrupt, as they are, will most certainly do anything they can to prevent any return of a functional status, because that means a loss of power, control, & money to them. As they clearly face this circumstance, there is nothing they will not do to oppose this return to a healthy self-governing status, including undertaking extreme violence, and lots of it, IF they get their way. They are, in fact – already doing this right now – to try to gain ever more control. These people have no guard rails, no red lines which they will not cross. We are seeing that right now, in real time, and have been for at least several years now. This is one of the reasons they must be denied power. They are an extreme danger to everyone around them – an enemy of the people if ever there was one.

I’ll say that again, vast conflict already exists – extreme & growing violence – right there in those failed City-states, right now. There is already a sea of human suffering that exists there, and it grows every day. We’ve already covered that here. We may provide exhaustive coverage of that – go into extensive & excruciating detail – if that becomes necessary. However, for now, we’re going to discuss how we can return these places to a healthy, fully-functional, self-governing status. As we do that, and talk about various details & options, it’s important to keep in mind that conflict is already happening there, and more may be unavoidable at this point. It’s unfortunate, but it’s time we faced that truth. Any option we choose, at this point, including doing nothing, is unlikely to decrease the violence, at least in the short term. We need to face this unpleasant truth.

We’re about to have some very frank adult conversations. Now would be a good time to send the children out to play.

Let’s start by asking some obvious questions.

Why do we care if there are failed City-states within our borders?

Why isn’t this their problem, alone – those who live in those failed City-states?

Why should we take responsibility for that?

Isn’t this what they voted for?

Well, that’s a great question.

Did they vote for that?

Can you show me the evidence?


Well, that right there is part of the problem then, isn’t it?

And even if they did vote for that, we have no obligation to allow non-republican forms of government to set up shop within our borders.

In fact, our contract – the Constitution – very explicitly guarantees a republican form of government to ALL states, and by virtue of that, also to ALL citizens. [Article IV, Section 4 | Full Text]

So we are, in fact, contractually obligated to prohibit any other form of government – whether people vote for that or not.

(This includes the “our democracy” form of government, by the way – brought to you by the “our democracy” cult. For like the billionth time, we do not live in a democracy. The founders hated democracies, for numerous reasons, including their propensity for instability & extreme cruelty to their citizens. For instance, they tend to kill their best & brightest, and for trivial reasons, Socrates being but one high-profile example. Under the contract the founders very clearly laid out, we live in a federated constitutional republic – a revolutionary combination of aspects of monarchy, aristocracy, & democracy, blended together under a system of checks & balancesdistributions of power & responsibility that promote an equilibrium of interests & prevent a monopoly of interests deny power to any one monopoly interest. This is not even remotely close to being a “democracy”. You’d think that people who work in that system of government, in particular, would have a stronger grasp on that fact. Perhaps this is a clue. Perhaps these people who incessantly shout the corrosive slogan – “our democracy” – identify themselves as the enemy who wars against us when they make that all at once annoying, screeching, & robotic noise with their mouth. The endless misuse of the word – “democracy” – is nothing more than an insidious form of purposely corrosive & destructive sloganeering. Rhetoric. A falsity repeated ad nauseam, in hopes that people will begin to believe it. This is simply an attempt at programming. An attempt at creating an “our democracy” cult. Thankfully, it’s a repeated falsity that’s fallen mostly on deaf ears, with the exception of an easily manipulated population of npc’s & useful idiots that is – the infantilizers & children that keep the “our democracy” cult going.

And so, with this group of grifters, halfwits, & conmen, life imitates art, yet again – and in endlessly comical ways: You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.  Perhaps it’s time to start mercilessly ridiculing those who embrace a fantasy belief in a form of government that we do not even practice, and is widely known to be unstable & particularly cruel to its citizens. Perhaps it’s time to start mercilessly ridiculing such mindless sloganeering & rhetoric. These people are grifters, halfwits, & morons – children who deserve no legitimacy, no respect, and no seat at the table.

It’ seems to be more & more apparent that we need to put the “our democracy” cult under a more sustained & intense concentrated fire. That cult appears to be spreading rampantly among all stripes within the political classes. It’s certainly been a metastasizing problem within the uniparty for quite some time – none of whom want any kind of check or balance on their powerthus their affinity & lust for “our democracy” a form of government with no checks or balances on power, every petty tyrant’s dream come true.)

So, to recap & rejoin our main discussion, we can’t verify if these places, these failed City-states, even voted for this non-republican form of government – what is essentially a thinly veiled form of totalitarianism surrounded by a concealing cloud of chaos, confusion, misdirection & ignorance – and, it wouldn’t matter if they did, because we’re contractually obligated (and I would also argue, morally obligated) to prevent this non-republican form of government, even if they did vote for it.

But that’s not where the predication for this intervention – this Conservatorship Rehabilitation Process ends – not the only answer to the question of “why we care if there are failed City-states within our borders”.

Failed states are inherently dangerous to ALL of the places & people that are nearby.

This is true whether they are on the border, inside the border, near to the border – or anywhere within shouting, walking, or driving distance.

It’s well known & well established that failed states on or near a nation’s border are inarguably dangerous to the stability of the nation, the region, and thusly, to the safety of any population in the vicinity.

Failed states within the borders of a nation, even more so.  

No one can attempt to argue with such an obvious & well-established fact, and history provides ample evidence to back up this truth.

Thusly, this highlights the very real danger that we’re clearly facing when we’re honest with ourselves about the reality of our own circumstances.

We unquestionably have what are the equivalent of failed states within our borders. To say that more explicitly, we have failed City-states within our borders, and quite a few of them, unfortunately.By any objective measure, we can very clearly observe this fact. This is now being widely acknowledged.

It’s time we were increasingly honest with ourselves, and each other, about that fact. It’s time for us to begin to say the uncomfortable, out loud – and to begin to discuss it publicly.

And it’s time we begin a remediation process.

This is our responsibility, and our duty. We have, not just a contractual obligation, but a moral obligation.

Even if we were to absolve ourselves of those particular responsibilities, this is still something that needs to be done. It’s in our vital interests, if for no other reason than because it’s necessary of our own protection. No one can get small enough to avoid this problem, and there is nowhere you can retreat to where it will not eventually, find, and affect you. This problem is going to eventually show up on your doorstep, wherever you are.

We cannot simply walk away.

We’re stuck with this problem.

So, how do we make the transition?

What’s needed to restore functionality?

What are the requirements for coming out of conservatorship?

What’s missing?

What needs to be built?

What needs to be replaced?

What are the initiatives?

What are the goalposts?

These are the questions that need to be answered.

Let’s take them in order.

What are the core things that make it possible for civilization to function?

Let’s start by stating the obvious:

You can’t have prosperity without education, jobs, businesses, trade, and the opportunity that those things bring.

We’ve neglected those things, as a nation, for far too long. It’s had a catastrophic effect on all of us, but it’s hit the cities the hardest. Being the most vulnerable to the wide range of societal problems, they are always going to be the canaries in the coal mine, affected first & most severely by problems.

Other things such as law, law enforcement, contract enforcement, and security are also obviously important, contributing heavily to those other elements to form the foundations that allow a civilization to function.

Even more fundamentally important things, in turn, underpin those foundations, providing the stable & unshakable bedrock for it all to rest upon, in particular, the quality of families. To believe that we can have a strong society without having a strong social safety net at the most basic & fundamental level possible, that of the family, is simply more wishful thinking of the highest order – pure fantasy. The research & data on this subject is conclusive – inarguable. [Merciless ridicule is in order for those who cannot accept this reality, or who pretend not to comprehend it.]  

We also need a way to instill moral health in our people – an institution to take responsibility for the moral health of its people. This is another part of the bedrock that everything else rests upon. Without it, the foundation has nothing stable to sit upon. One only need look around at our current circumstances to see the evidence of that truth.

Instilling this bedrock of moral health happens within the family, but also traditionally took place within the church as well, whatever the denomination being practiced. These institutions seem to have been widely captured by our enemies at this point, and that will have to be addressed. Some replacement will have to be found, or some renewal or revival process undertaken. Whatever form that eventually takes, it appears fairly clear that some fundamental things need to come out of it. I would call these things ethics. Perhaps one could consider them the precursors to values, or an analog to them. In any case, I think the most well known & recognizable tenets of Christianity represent them well.

Christianity practices an ethic of service to others; a do unto others & a don’t do unto others ethic (gold & silver rule); a teach a man to fish, teaching & educational ethic; as well as, a love thy neighbor ethic – an extension of familial love to that of the surrounding community; all of which encourage trust, truth-telling, restraint, care, and cooperation ethics which are invaluable foundations of civilization – ethics that you simply cannot get anywhere else, at least not all in one package, so to speak.

I would call these indispensable pillars of civilization – indispensable pillars of prosperity. However communities want to incorporate those things – whatever framework they want to use, whether it’s Christianity or something else – is up to them, but it doesn’t appear that they are optional components. They’re imperative for developing trust, truth-telling norms, a widespread willingness to cooperate beyond the family & the tribe, and the desire to learn, better ones self, and actively help others to do the same whenever possible. These are the foundations of cooperation & prosperity – required for civilization, itself – to function. They are critically important, and not optional.

It’s critically important to understand that there are also malincentives that we must eliminate.

Speaking FIGURATIVELY, of course, there are things that we must kill, with extreme prejudice. The bureaucracy is one of those things. The vast & bloated administrative cancer that now exists & grows uncontrollably in all parts of society must be put to an end.

If we want to live, the bureaucracy (figuratively) must die, everywhere it exists.

I say this with extreme seriousness. We are choking on bureaucracy, and if we want to live, we must kill it (again, figuratively).

Why are we paying $210 billion per year for 1.44 million bureaucrats in 125 bureaucratic agencies when we could replace them with AI? And this is just in the federal bureaucracy – this monstrosity exists throughout the whole of society. Imagine how much we can save if we eliminate it everywhere it exists. [Wayback]

Much of the taxes we pay, and inflation itself, could be vastly reduced if we were to do just this one thing. And, it would force this parasitic mass of people to do something productive, instead – producing something of value, rather than just spending down that value as they do now – thus reducing drag while increasing accumulation. That’s called a win win.

Here’s just one example of the problem, from one industry:


[If you’ve ever wondered how the COVIDiocy happened, this was a big part of it. Every bureaucrat in existence, in every industry, was all in on that particular idiocy. And they were well placed to do an enormous amount of damage.]

Again, this bureaucratic cancer exists absolutely everywhere:

– In government at all levels – federal, state, & local; administrators within universities & public schools; in HR within almost all sizable businesses & corporations, and particularly within hospitals and our wider healthcare system. (Who do you think is hiring all of the woke idiots & pushing that agenda?) This bureaucracy is openly at war with us – and that growing administrative bloat is a cancer that’s using up an exponentially increasing amount of our resources – growing precisely like an uncontrollable cancer does. If we don’t remove it, it will most certainly kill us. It absorbs – and wastesa truly massive amount of our resources and PRODUCES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It’s literally, albeit indirectly, taking food out of our mouths, every single one of us, and every single one of our families. It is our most serious threat. As dangerous, or more, than any heavily armed foreign enemy – because they are inside the gate, they have access to all of our most critically important systems, and they have a completely free hand with which to inflict crippling damageand so far, they have gone almost completely unrecognized & unopposed.   

Figuratively speaking, we must:

Kill the Bureaucracy – Kill HR. No Mercy. Fire. Or. Retire. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

[This most certainly includes the federal bureaucracy, another more lengthy discussion, but worth mentioning here & keeping in mind. See here for just one very important reason why this matters so much, in addition to the reasons we’ve already laid out. [Bureaucrats also come in the Three Letter variety.] (We will dedicate another, separate series to the subject of bureaucracy & administrative bloat.)]

[The bureaucracy is the equivalent of a cross-border “hide” for every single one of our insurgent, colonizing enemies – fantasy-based religious zealots one & all: marxists, totalitarians, wokeists, the trans cult, anti-white & anti-western propagandists, you name it – a safe & powerful place from which to make war on Americans, American culture, and our Western heritage. Insurgencies that are allowed to maintain a cross-border “hide” usually win. But don’t take my word for that, review history to see for yourself. Start with Mao, as just one high profile example. Then ask yourself if we can afford to allow this to continue.] [These bureaucrats – these “administrators” – are not harmless bumblers. These people know exactly what they’re doing. Whether they do it intuitively or intentionally is irrelevant. The people who suggest that bureaucrats & the bureaucracy – wherever they exist, and in whatever form they exist – are just harmless bumblers, or are just incompetent, are dangerously deluded & do not understand the nature of the forces at work, nor the seriousness of the damage that’s done by them. This is part of the cognitively dimorphic warfare – the weaponized infantilization – that I’ve spoken about elsewhere. It’s a serious threat that goes almost wholly unrecognized, destroying the very fabric of our civilization – at will – and without consequence.]

So, to sum up the effort that lies in front of us, there are things that enable success – foundations that are necessary in order for us to build upon – and there are things that will undercut those foundations, keep us from being able to build. As such, there are elements that are missing which need to be added, –and- elements which are destructive that need to be removedrampant crime & bureaucracy being two of the most important elements that need to be removed so that we can build, and rebuild, finally unobstructed. These things – rampant crime & bureaucracy, administrative bloat & sabotage – will actively destroy ALL attempts to rebuild. It’s time we were honest & frank with one another about these facts.

Some people will be wholly incapable of understanding or accepting these facts. It’s time we cut those people loose. They will only be behavioral problems for us in the future. They don’t matter. They were never going to be capable of participating in any beneficial solution. They’re terrified, and their fear prevents them from using any higher level reasoning, which is obviously going to remain extremely important for us moving forward. They approach everything from the perspective of blinding fear, doom, & retreat. They have no courage to face difficult facts or situations, or to undertake difficult, but necessary efforts. Constant retreat is their only answer. We’ve already covered these perspectives as being fantasy-based & wishful-thinking-based – perspectives that believe with a religious fervor that something will magically spring up out of the ashes if we simply do nothing & go hide in a hole until the scary stuff is all over. I won’t say anything more about this group of people except for this: No one in human history has ever retreated their way to victory.

This does not mean that I advocate for reckless actions. I think that all adults in the room, at this point, full well know the difference between doing things that are difficult, but necessary & beneficial, and doing things that are reckless.

Everyone will have to make their own determinations of where they stand on these matters, but the impossibility of retreating your way to victory might be a good thing to keep in mind at this point.


Now that we’ve talked about the general, let’s talk about specifics – a structure & a set of initiatives that can be measured & judged – objective criteria – that can be used to determine when a failed City-state is ready to come out of Conservatorship.

How will we know when these failed City-states have successfully laid the foundations that will allow them to function as healthy civilizations & undertake self-government once again?  


 As far as I can tell, these appear to be the bare minimum requirements to restore functionality:

13 Goalposts in Total – addressed point by point below.

As one might expect, the order of approach does seem to matter.

The first issue that needs to be addressed is that high-profile hallmark indicator of failed civilizationrampant crime.

In order to even have the opportunity to address any of the other initiatives, rampant crime must be addressed, otherwise it will sabotage all of the other initiatives – make them impossible.

So the first order of business is to stabilize the security situation. A lack of security will prevent all other progress.

In support of that, in order to stabilize the security situation over the longer term, we must address the failures in the court system.

We must address the capture, corruption, & incompetence of judges, prosecutors, & courts which allowed rampant crime to bloom. This is a very clear dereliction of duty that cannot be denied or ignored. There must be an overturning of those in the court system who allowed this to happen. (Not a wholesale overturning, mind you, an overturning of only those who have been captured & corrupted. There are likely to be very valuable & competent allies within that system that we want to retain, valuable allies who understand the problems, in detail, & have an incredibly useful insider understanding of what, specifically, needs fixed.)

This is the initial phase – the initial efforts required to clear the way for the other efforts & initiatives.

1 a) Stabilize security.

1 b) Stabilize courts & officials – the judges & the prosecutors.

2) Launch other initiatives, using that initial structure developed to accomplish the initial stabilization measures.

A fairly simple & straightforward process & set of mechanisms.

I say it often, because it’s true, this is not rocket science.

(It often boggles the mind how much of this is just common sense. I guess someone just needs to have the courage to say it out loud?)

Let’s talk about that structure in a bit more detail.


Considering the complete dysfunction & failure we’re being forced to mitigate in these circumstances – in these failed City-states where rampant crime, capture, & corruption now rules supreme –  it should be self-evident that organizing in a manner that ensures & incentivizes accountability, and a distributed balance of power & responsibility is critically important.

Thusly, to start, a structure that is very easy to assemble, and keep track of & manage is necessary.

To that end, I would propose:

Districts organized into Numbered Sectors comprised of 1000 people per Sector; each Sector then broken down into 100 person Neighborhood Units (10 x 100 = 1000). [For instance: 4 Quadrants comprise the Districts. Numbered Sectors (1 thru however many are needed) comprise the Sectors. Ten, one-hundred person Neighborhood Units comprise each Sector.] [The number of Quadrants and Districts can obviously be expanded as needed to keep things manageable. Employ your logistics people here to help make these practical determinations.]

Conceptually, it’s important to keep in mind that these areas are really just collections of geographically connected neighborhoods – organizing around obvious areas of commonality.

One of the biggest problems in cities is anonymity & lack of accountability. This Organizational Structure addresses both of those problems.

Each of these groups of 100 people – organized into Neighborhood Units – are easily known to one another & responsible to one another.

One person – known to his peers to be highly competent & capable, and chosen by them – can then assume the position of being that group’s Representative on the Council for that Sector. Each Sector will then have a 10 person Representative Council that can be a natural point of contact on any matter with other Councils within the City-state, or any outside entity, whenever that is necessary – thus assuring a structure that promotes accountability & responsibility. Groups can vote to remove or retain these Representatives as they see fit, at whatever interval they see fit, whether periodic, or whether to address an immediate issue or need.  

This entire City-state-wide collection of 10 Person Representative Councils can then undertake Votes of Confidence/No Confidence regarding City-state office holders – anyone from the Mayor to the City Council, to any of the Official City-state office holders – ALL being subject to removal for cause. This could be considered to be a Recall Mechanism to remove incompetent, corrupt, or captured public servants.

Each of these Districts/Quadrants – meaning the entire collection of 10 person Representative Councils that represent them – will be responsible for ensuring that there is an active & successful Conservatorship Transition Initiative operating in, or easily accessible to, their District. Meaning that their members have easy access to each of the 13 Initiative Areas listed below – or in the event that Districts decide it is beneficial to combine their efforts in one of these 13 Initiative Areas – that there is an awareness of such among their members, and easy access to participation wherever appropriate.

Any member of any of these Sectors is automatically authorized – simply by virtue of Sector membership – to bring complaints, suggest initiatives, or bring matters for consideration, or a vote, within their Neighborhood Unit and/or Sector.

Membership is compulsory unless you are deemed incompetent to serve or have been judged by your Neighborhood Unit to be a consistent behavioral or disciplinary problem. (To ensure Transparency & Accountability, these people will have to be enrolled in care or disciplinary programs – the details & sizes of which programs are to be consistently & periodically reported, publicly, for review by the wider community, the entire collection of 10 Person Representative Councils, City-state office holders, and outside entities, in order to monitor & determine the effectiveness of programs & participation in them. Basically, while there will undoubtedly continue to be some amount of incapable people that we cannot reach, despite our best efforts, we cannot allow this group or designation to become a growing way to escape responsibility, or a means or mechanism by which others attempt to acquire an increasing level of power or resources for themselves, whether that be those inside of this group, or others outside of this group who attempt to leverage them. [Thus, this helps to prevent “top & bottom against the middle” strategies of redistribution, power acquisition, and thusly, parasitism & destruction.]

Membership or Service, though compulsory, might be as simple as passing information along to other members, participating in any one of a variety of logistical support roles, or using specific skills & expertise to create & maintain one of the following 13 Initiatives.

Conservatorship Transition Initiatives – The initiatives required in order to come out of Conservatorship:

1. Election Integrity – we’ve already covered this sufficiently, so we won’t rehash it here, but just mention it so that it gets included in the list of foundations required in order for failed City-states to come out of Conservatorship.

2. Judge, Prosecutor, District Attorney, & Court Officer Quality Control Mechanisms – a clear procedure to accept complaints for cause – by any District, Sector, or Neighborhood Unit member – against any officer of the court, including judges, and to thereby convene grand jury investigations, and impeachment proceedings and/or jury trials in response to any finding of reasonable cause to suspect that an official has been negligent, captured, or corrupted – sufficient evidence having been gathered to indicate they have likely failed to uphold their duties or oaths of office – and further official proceedings thus being necessary to determine the official course of action required, up to & including impeachment, dismissal, and/or criminal proceedings. 

3. Education Programs – we must educate not only in basic life skills, in basic learning skills such as math, reading, & writing, but we must also lay the foundations required for the actual jobs of the future – the things that prepare students for the job training & apprenticeship programs addressed below, and which prepare students for the additional education & learning required for some endeavors, such as those in any of the STEM fields. Though this should be wholly self-evident, currently, we fail to even acknowledge that this is a critically important endeavor.

We must acknowledge that our public schools, particularly within the failed City-states, have – in many cases – completely failed, and in doing so, they have completely failed the citizens there, and as such, we must also acknowledge that it is necessary to completely reform these failed public schools. Two of the most important reforms we must make are, 1) removing the destructive layers of parasitic administrative bloat there, and instead allowing teachers & parents to determine the best courses of action to take, and 2) also reforming who is eligible to teach – removing a meaningless & ineffective credential system that is currently being used, and instead, substituting experience in the field that is being taught, in its place. This experience working in a particular field should be what determines the curriculum that is taught, and who is eligible to teach. The people with this real world experience are the only ones with the professional knowledge required to determine what an effective curriculum will be, and the only ones competent enough to effectively teach it.

Additionally, in order to be successful – as there quite obviously must be an experience criteria for teachers – so too must there be an age criteria. The maturity & experience this ensures is a critically important factor in teaching success, and thusly, also in the learning success of students.

Thus, a minimum of 10 years experience in the field one is teaching, and a minimum age of 30 years old is necessary in order to help ensure teacher competence, and student success.

We would be very wise to prioritize the hiring of retired professionals as teachers, as their wealth of knowledge and experience spanning multiple decades, and their maturity, is invaluable to students. This is critically important professional experience, and life experience, that we should be leveraging and passing on to the next generation at absolutely every opportunity. These retired professionals are an enormously valuable resource that we should be using, and many of them would love to be able to pass on their experience to the younger generations. It’s unbelievably short-sighted of us not to engage with these people, and not to leverage them wherever & whenever possible.

It must be repeated, maturity matters a great deal here. We cannot afford to have those who are basically still children, themselves, teaching & modeling for impressionable young students. This has been extraordinarily disastrous for us, as has the lack of competence that comes with not requiring experience working in a particular field, before teaching in it, and instead substituting irrelevant & ineffective credentials in place of that experience. It is critically important for our future success that we end the use of that ineffective & irrelevant credential system. The evidence shows very clearly that it doesn’t work. It has, in fact, been tremendously destructive. If we want to see true teaching success, and highly competent & confident students, this much change. The replacement of that ineffective & destructive credentialing system is a bare minimum requirement that is needed in order to ensure & secure student success.

Of course, school choice must be adopted as well, where money follows the child, so these changes will be further incentivized, and the failing options increasingly starved for funding, until they disappear, as well they should. Failing to educate future generations is not an acceptable option.  

But where will we find the teachers”, many will ask.

Many options exist.

For instance, there’s nothing that says that school systems can’t purchase live videocasts or even prerecorded lectures to supplement their teaching. There’s nothing that says an educator couldn’t do live videocasts from his location which any school system around the country, or around the world for that matter, might then purchase & use for their students. Such an educator could even make a habit of touring different schools throughout the country, or the world, to give these lectures, allowing them to interact with different audiences of students in each location & make that a part of their videocast lectures. These people could be the rock stars of the new era – highly paid, highly recognized, and highly sought after. So anyone who says that this “can’t be done”, or that we can’t find enough teachers with that experience, or that we can’t afford to pay teachers that much, is just guilty of being ignorant, uncreative, or just plain lying to try to protect their fiefdom. We can do this – in a number of different creative ways – and we need to. It’s obvious to even a blind man that the current system doesn’t work, and it’s time to replace it.  

It’s important to mention here that we must start teaching with the explicit & stated intent of creating Stewards & Statesmen.

This should be a clearly stated goal that both teachers, students, parents, and the wider community very clearly understand. This is a necessary part of the effort which is required to ensure that there is “follow through” – that we understand what the end goal & purpose is.

And, very importantly, it matches the criteria: Is this something that’s good for me, my family, my community, my nation, and my civilization – today, tomorrow, and into the foreseeable future – that question that we always need to be asking ourselves when we try to find the best pathway forward.

4. Job Training & Apprenticeship Programs – engage business & industry leaders to help create programs that teach the skills these business owners & industry leaders need. This is, again, another place where retired professionals should be leveraged at every opportunity. These people with decades of experience are invaluable and many of them are generally happy to share their experience with others and pass that knowledge down to the next generation. Business owners & industry leaders are also generally eager to expand the pool of talent available to them. It is a reciprocally valuable relationship that we consistently – undervalue & underuse – a barely, if ever tapped resource.

I’m going to take the opportunity to directly & bluntly speak to a certain group of people here, quite pointedly & purposely, quite coarsely, and with the appropriate amount of ridiculepurposely dropping a certain amount of otherwise maintained professional demeanor, in order to do so. So please don’t take offense if you’re not in this particular group. Figuratively speaking, of course, I’m going to take the prime opportunity here to “beat a certain class of people about the head & face, repeatedly, until death”. Particularly the ones who incessantly cry & whine: “But we don’t have enough Americans with the skills we need to do these jobs!” THAT’S BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TRAINING THEM YOU FRIGGIN’ MORON!

This is a training issue, not a people issue.

We’ve been neglecting this training & education for decades now, so it shouldn’t be a shock that we find ourselves short of the skills needed. Notice I said short of the – skills – needed, not the people needed.

This shortage of skills is by no means an insurmountable problem. We can resolve it in very short order.

Essentially, this is a two year problem, max. Within two years, or less if we get serious about it, we can have enough people trained up to do whatever needs to be done. So I don’t want to hear another peep out of these abject morons who say we don’t have enough people with the skills to do the jobs that need to be done. Not a friggin’ peep. This is a training problem, not a population problem. To those who constantly make this false claim: Go sit at the kids table, you idiots. These people deserve our scorn. They’ve earned every single ounce that we can muster. HEAP. IT. ON. THEM.

This is a problem that’s resulted from – decades of neglect – decades of neglected training & education, the result of decades of declining opportunity that came with the unbelievably short-sighted policy of offshoring & outsourcing which hollowed out all of our industries, and our workforce – which, in conjunction with remarkably reckless debt policies, allowed our economy to burn very brightly, before burning out altogether, which is what we’re witnessing right now.

Despite this remarkable stupidity, all is not lost. IF we remove the obstacles to reorientation, IF.

There’s a distinct & powerful opportunity here, with regards to training & education, which is one of the reasons why I promote apprenticeships so heavily. These apprenticeships are one of the ways we can take advantage of the economics of training (economics isn’t just about money, it applies everywhere, to everything). Let’s take the economics of fighter pilot training as an example that highlights how useful this is. In World War II we employed exactly this type of training economics to be sure that we had the best & most experienced fighter pilots possible. When a fighter pilot had gained a certain amount of experience, they were pulled out of the field and sent to train a new batch of recruits who were just beginning to learn. They were thereby able to give that valuable real-world fighting experience to all of these new fighter pilots who otherwise wouldn’t have had it. Now you could have argued that we shouldn’t have pulled these experienced fighter pilots out of the field because we desperately needed them in the fight, but then they wouldn’t have been able to pass on any of that valuable experience to tens or hundreds of other pilots – which is an exponential force multiplier, if you think about it – especially as that cycle repeats.

Now, by comparison, what did our adversary do? They didn’t practice this strategic distribution of hard won experience & knowledge to new recruits, but instead, they engaged in Kamikaze missions that killed off their most experienced & capable pilots. These pilots were thus never able to pass on their extremely valuable real-world knowledge & experience to new recruits, and as such, their stable of fighter pilots steadily shrank until there were simply none left who had any experience at all.  

Which of these two strategies do you suppose was a more successful war strategy?

History pretty clearly answers that question.

 (Think about how this example mirrors the accumulation of surplus & building of greater & greater whirlpools of energy vs the persistent draining of those whirlpools of energy: which is the hallmark difference between our strategy, and our enemy’s strategy, in the grand battle that we fight right now, today: chaos vs order | good vs evil | accumulation vs destruction – these are all one & the same.)

We should learn from this lesson in the economics of fighter pilot training.

We should be heavily leveraging this lesson. We should be training & educating new people – incentivizing & inspiring them – hand over fist, and we should be using apprenticeships to do it.

We should be using the economics of fighter pilot training.

This is a two year problem, max.

If we had started two years ago, we’d be done by now.

We have scores & scores of accomplished, intelligent professionals with decades of experience & knowledge who are retiring, right now. We should be leveraging those people at every opportunity. Many of them would be happy to share that lifetime of experience & knowledge with new generations.

We have not even begun to tap the resources that we have available to us, and yet, there are people who are already advocating that we give up this fight. It’s frankly, despicable, and infuriating.

While it’s right, and legitimate, to highlight obstacles to reshoring and promote removing themand to point out a distinct & dangerous lack of industrial capacity that leaves us weakened – these are not, by any means, insurmountable problems. The wringing of hands regarding these problems is unnecessary when that energy could be put to much more productive use by taking the action required to solve these problems, solutions that we have readily available to us.

These are problems that can be resolved within five years, and probably less, probably more like three to four years, and maybe even less than that, if we were to get serious about it. And the things I’ve mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the solution – call them a part of the ramp that needs to be built, if you like. I have an extraordinarily detailed & well thought out template – the culmination of more than a decade of work – that can be used to make that reshoring & increased industrial capacity a reality, used to turn us back into a high-tech, industrial powerhouse that no one in the world can even hope to compete with. I see a very clear pathway forward, and anyone who’s ever read any of my work should know that I don’t say these things lightly, nor do I overpromise; my preference is the reverse, under-promise & over deliver.

However, it’s very important to acknowledge – in order for any of this to happen – obstacles that seek to actively prevent that reality will need to be removed. This thing will not build itself, and it will not withstand constant sabotage from within. These are the hard truths that we must face. If we truly wish to succeed, we will need to remove obstacles that actively resist our success. There simply are not alternatives to this.

Along these lines – we’ve allowed a particular form of vilification to undercut our success – and it’s time we addressed that, because it’s absolutely one of the obstacles that’s actively preventing our success, and will continue to do so until we address & remove it. 

Allowing the vilification of the industries & areas of science that our entire civilization is predicated upon, without which, said civilization – and thusly our prosperity – cannot hope to survive, is foolish & reckless beyond words. No sane, knowledgeable, or intellectually honest person will even attempt to argue with such an obvious fact. It’s self-evident. Thus, we must end the tolerance for these destructive lies. We must start thinking of these things – these efforts to vilify the industries our civilization is built upon, and that modern life depends upon – as “enemy broadcast stations” & “propaganda networks” that enable “purposely-directed enemy sabotage campaigns” – because that is precisely what they are. And as such, we must shut them down. These destructive lies come from the mouths of our enemy and it’s time we stopped letting that enemy set up propaganda networks, and distribute & amplify those destructive lies by effortlessly using our own communications systems to do it, and so far, completely unopposed.   

In either of the World Wars, would we have allowed our adversaries to set up television & radio stations within our own borders and transmit their propaganda to our people – or even use our own networks & equipment to do it? Of course not! The very idea is laughable. Then why do we allow the equivalent of that today? It should be obvious & self-evident to everyone that this must end.

[Communications & network ownership – television, radio, internet – need to face extreme scrutiny, and the large conglomerated networks need to be broken up. They are completely captured, corrupted, & working for the enemy. This is not the first, nor the last mention of this subject, and it’s a critically important initiative that needs to be addressed, and resolved. We will address this in more detail elsewhere. It’s very interesting to note that no one anywhere in the halls of power – not in any political party; not in the corporate world or the business world, in general; not in the associations that advocate for those corporate & business interests; not in the sea of NGOs, foundations & think tanks funded by those interests – virtually nowhere in the public or private sector – is anyone calling for this, despite the obviousness of the problem. And despite the fact that it legitimately threatens our civilization’s continued ability to function, and thusly, not just our continued prosperity, but our continued existence. It’s baffling sometimes to consider how strong the forces of capture & corruption can become – that even despite it ensuring their own destruction – these parties are nonetheless willing to double, triple, & quadruple down over & over & over again. This is one of the hallmarks of the reckless embrace of short-term interests, and the complete inability or unwillingness to see long-term consequences. We are in the grips of a world run by children & infantilizers – those who can see only fantasy.]

5. Community Enrichment Programs – Think of this as an extended skills & education program based in fun activities, friendly competition for bragging rights, & engagement with the community.

This is a learning & activity resource for children, adults, & families alike. We need to bring everyone along on this journey – provide opportunity & growth for all – and this is a fun & easy way to do it, while building a stronger, more competent, and more robust community with much greater depth in a range of different areas.  

One of the most effective ways to motivate learning and to incentivize the pursuit of greater & greater levels of achievement – without anyone even realizing that’s what’s happening, because it’s simply fun & engaging – is by using play & competition. Having fun with your friends & neighbors, and maybe even doing a bit of friendly competition, is a vastly underestimated & underused means of learning and creating community. We should be leveraging that to the fullest extent possible. Currently, we almost completely ignore this opportunity. And we make no attempt whatsoever to strategically leverage its systematic use.   

If you have skills in any of these related areas, this is one tremendously important way that you can give back to your community, and have fun doing it. If you don’t have skills in these areas, but would like to – or maybe you just want learn a little more about any of these different areas before deciding & getting more deeply involved – this is one way you can do that, and have fun doing it. Sharing knowledge, experience, and a passion for an activity is fun for the people involved in that activity. It’s an important part of the activity for them. And that’s also an important part of these clubs & activities for the individuals & families involved in them – all of which greatly benefits the community as a whole.  

So what kinds of activities are we talking about here?

All of the things that will expose kids & adults alike to the skills that will be needed for the jobs (& businesses) of the future:

Racing clubs, “flyer” clubs, “moding” & robotics clubs – maybe even robot or drone fighting clubs! clubs of all different sorts – easily unified under one roof, so to speak, the Mad Science Club – a lot of different activities & events all under one initiative, making it much more manageable. Exposure to all of these different areas is important. Access to all of these different areas is important. The line is increasingly blurring between the technologies in all of these areas – drones, planes, cars, boats, balloons, subs, model rockets, robots, sensors & materials, fuel & battery technologies, etc.

Think of this as an extracurricular science, technology, & engineering club for the community – incorporating everything that would be required for such: electronics, engineering, avionics, navigation & use of sensors, radio & signals technology, materials science, battery & fuel technology, computer science, animation (you’d be surprised at the crossover applications), coding, automation, AI (which is really just algorithms – lists of sequential procedures & processes, and triggers/thresholds for invoking them), etc. (People often oversell the complication of many of these things – I think, sometimes, to make themselves feel smarter…  and sometimes, maybe just to play up the “Wow!” factor. But once you learn the basics, none of these things are really that complicated, and certainly not impenetrable.) 

These clubs – these Community Enrichment Programs, and particularly the Mad Science Flyers Club – make possible all of the activities that allow adults & children alike to engage with & learn all of these different skills, in all of these different areas. These are fun pathways to learning that everyone can participate in, and the result is an increasing accumulation of knowledge within these communities – pools of knowledge & expertise which pay multiple dividends – including increased educational opportunities & career opportunities for the individuals who get involved in these programs, and an educated & experienced talent pool that will increasingly attract businesses & investment money to the area. Community Enrichment Programs such as this give your citizens multiple pathways to success – as well as providing the community & its individual members with productive outlets for their time & energies.  

People now, more than ever, feel isolated. This is one way a person can be a part of the community, make friends, adopt new hobbies that are a more beneficial & productive use of their time, and maybe even learn enough new skills to help them start a new career or educational path, if that’s of interest to them, or perhaps just give them the opportunity to investigate several areas that they’ve been curious about – but otherwise wouldn’t have had the resources or background knowledge to be able to explore.

Having the necessary resources & expertise readily available in these clubs provides easy access to the advice & guidance needed to get someone started – to teach them the basics, and to help guide them toward more advanced learning & investigations of their own moving forward – all in a fun & engaging manner. Having easy access to these resources – and this kind of advice & guidance – these are all things which can make an enormous difference between thriving, and failing to thrive – both for an individual, and for a community. This essentially removes obstacles to learning & growth, to the extent that is possible.    

It cannot be stated strongly enough: This is for kids and adults. Whole families can – and should – get involved in this.

Call this Community Enrichment Program – this club – anything you want: Mad Science Flyers, Racing, & Robotics Club, for instance, or just Mad Science Club, for short. I chose the title, and the details list that I did, because this lets people know that if they want to learn more about any of the things listed they can get involved in the club. Having the opportunity to be exposed to a lot of different things is very beneficial because, often, the more you learn about an activity that you didn’t know anything about, the more you sometimes realize that it’s something that you really enjoy.

Additionally, this is a place to hang out with your friends and have an excuse to do it – an opportunity to enjoy some friendly competition & camaraderie – and an opportunity to be able to spend some quality time with your son or daughter, for instance, learn together, and just hang out & have a good time. In the modern world, it’s getting increasingly difficult to find places to do that. 

This opens a lot of doors for individuals and communities – for kids, adults, & families alike. 

The enrichment capacity of things like this are vastly underestimated.

This is a fun & convenient place that kids & adults alike can get exposed to the skills that will be needed for the jobs of the future, and have a ton of fun doing it.

It’s an easy & informal way to share knowledge – whether you’re a professional, or whether you’re an amateur who’s experienced, but still learning & excited to share your passion for an activity with others who are just starting out.

These programs address a tremendous deficit we’ve unfortunately allowed to develop.

We used to encourage & enable a large “tinkering” class. People like my Dad & my Grandfather who had rooms dedicated to tinkering with various electronics, radios, computers and such – people who built & raced their own cars & boats, and undertook various activities that constantly pushed the boundaries of what we knew, and what we could do. These are the people who build, design, innovate, & maintain everything that a civilization needs to function, and to thrive. We’re not building any more of these people today – and we need to be. The future requires them.

There’s a lot of fear over new technologies. We can either fight these changes, and be left behind – because they’re going to happen, whether we like it or not – or we can embrace them & become the masters of these tools – become the leaders that others look to for inspiration & guidance.

Things like tinkering with & building drones, racing all types of them, having friendly competitions, pushing the boundaries – this is going to help create a new generation of people who are capable of doing all of the things the modern world of the future will need: automation & robotics, innovative electronics & engineering, using coding & AI to innovate everything further, creating new sensors & materials to help us accomplish a variety of tasks more easily & effectively, employing drones for new purposes using all of these innovations, etc, etc, etc.

These things are just tools to be wielded for whatever purpose we desire – good or evil. If we cede that ground to others – allow them to decide how these tools are developed & used – we won’t be able to be a force for good – a force for using these tools for good & beneficial purposes, rather than evil. There is an arms race on right now that will determine how these tools will be used in the future. If we care to win it, we need to get involved. Being familiar with the innovative nature of our heritage & our traditions, I like our chances. But it’s time to get busy.  

What can you do?

Take your son or daughter to one of these clubs, and if you don’t have one yet, start one!

[To be sure, this is just a small subset of the community “clubs” that would be beneficial. I’m not going to attempt an exhaustive list here, but we will be talking about this issue more in the future.]

6. Business & Trade Promotion Initiatives (making the area friendly to businesses & attractive to them) [This is in addition to training or Apprenticeship programs to Educate & Teach Sector members these business & trade skills.]

Active outreach programs that create & advertise a friendly & enticing business environment:

For instance: regulatory & permitting eliminations that encourage the starting & growth of businesses, rather than discourage them; reduced taxes & tax incentives: more business & more trade equals higher tax revenues, despite much lower tax rates (this is kind of an obvious no-brainer for anyone who isn’t intellectually bankrupt, or completely ignorant of economics).

The bottom line is that there needs to be a focus on INCENTIVES, rather than MALINCENTIVES such as the growth of regulations which ONLY ENCOURAGE the growth of cancerous bureaucracies that are not accountable to anyone & are easy for those with money to capture (A regulatory capture that protects monopoly interests – who then promptly ignore being responsive to anyone’s concerns – customers or otherwise – because they can. This is just the nature of monopolies of any kind, in any domain. They have no incentive whatsoever to be responsive to anyone’s needs.).

It’s also very important to advertise your community talent pool here, among other things:

Advertise your high-quality education initiatives (school reforms leading to best-in-class education); your Community Enrichment Programs; your community’s fiscal responsibility; and your community’s physical security, low crime, and neighborhood & community involvement in the ongoing maintenance of those high-quality environments, etc – all the things that contribute to all types of security & stability: physical, fiscal, & demographic security & stability, as well as a stable talent pool with a depth of skills & knowledge.  Businesses are long-term investments that require stability and they want to know that your community will be a good environment for them to continue to cultivate their business for generations to come. [Security & stability – of all typesdraws in capital & investment; lack of security & instability drives out capital & investment. Consider this an Iron Law – a fundamental & unalterable truth that NEVER changes.]

7. Moral Health Initiatives – The production of Civilizing Forces: civilizing values, civilizing norms, civilizing expectations, civilizing behaviors.

Producing the Ethics of Civilization – the Ethics that DRIVE, BUILD, & MAINTAIN Civilization:

Service to others; do unto others as you would have done unto you; don’t do unto others as they would NOT have done unto them; reciprocity; respect; honor (keeping your word, doing what you say you’ll do, being respectful & honest); truth-telling norms; trust-building norms; teach a man to fish (teaching & education ethics & an ethic of being of service to others); meritocratic ethics that contribute to people competing with one another and helping one another (yes, it does both – contrary to what detractors say), resulting in individuals constantly striving to better themselves, perform their best, and being rewarded by the group for doing so – which constantly & consistently brings everyone forward, and contributes heavily to the entire collection of productivity ethics that ultimately result in innovation & prosperity, & ultimately help us adapt to constantly changing circumstances.  

Whether you look at this from the perspective of Christian & commercial ethics, teaching & educational ethics, cooperation ethics, meritocratic ethics, productivity ethics, reciprocity ethics, truth-telling norms, or high-trust norms – ALL of these things contribute to civilizing forces. Whatever umbrella or rubric communities want to teach or organize this collection of ethics, morals, & values under is up to them – but it must take place. The evidence says that we cannot have functional civilization without them. They are not optional.

8. Family Strength & Family Health Initiatives – actively & consistently teaching & reinforcing, for the community, the Role of the Family in society – for individuals & for the wider community, for the culture, for the nation, & for the civilization; the Families’ status as the most basic & fundamental building block of all social groups, large or small – from clans & tribes, on up to nations, cultures, & civilizations – their indispensable importance to any healthy society.

Teach, and Answer these Questions:

What do they do, why are they important? Also teach the tenets of the family & family dynamics. What are the responsibilities, how are they delineated & shared?    

Families are required for the human species to persist. Without families, human beings die out. This should be self-evident. Men & women are two halves of the larger whole that makes up the human species. We simply cannot survive & persist without both, and we cannot survive & persist unless men & women produce children. Thus, families are the basic building block of humanity.

Likewise, families are the basic building block of nations & civilizations. Nations & civilizations cannot continue & persist without families – men & women having children & raising them to be productive members of civilization.

No other configurations are possible. How do we know this? Because no other configurations exist anywhere on the planet. No other stable or long-term configuration is possible. If it were, it would already exist.  

These are fundamental, unalterable truths. They will never change.

Trying to live in any other fantasy world will have catastrophically destructive consequences – as attempting to live outside the laws of physics always does, without exception. We don’t have to like this, but ultimately, we do have to live within the laws of physics. When we attempt not to, the correction for that error tends to be rather harsh. Wisdom would council us to avoid that harsh correction and live within the laws of physics, to live within reality, and reject trying to live in fantasy.

REALITY: Men & women who produce families are the building blocks of civilizations.

The evidence which supports the critically important role of maintaining intact families for a civilization is voluminous, clear, conclusive, and inarguable – spanning decades, if not centuries and millennia (comparative analysis can be done all the way back to the development of what’s called the Hajnal line, if not before). The destruction & dysfunction that results from failing to keep intact families is well established. No one who is intellectually honest even attempts to argue these facts. The only question that remains debatable is what, exactly, to do about the problem of family fragmentation & the failure to form families. When one looks at the malincentives currently at play, however, I think the solution to the problem becomes much more obvious. First, remove malincentives. Second, employ available beneficial incentives. To the extent that we are able, this will allow us to address & resolve the growing problems that we’ve seen. We will at least have done what we know can be done – taken the actions that we know for certain will have some impact. And then, if additional measures are needed, we can address those at that time. So, let’s start by doing what we KNOW needs to be done.

To Remove Malincentives – Two Steps:  

1) First, Predication, then

2) Actual Removal

First – Acknowledge The Importance Of The Family – and stop pretending like it’s not important – stop pretending like it’s not critically important – stop pretending like we can persist without it, as a nation, as a civilization, or as a species.

We do this by Consistently & Publicly Advocating for the Family, by Consistently & Publicly stating that it is the necessary & irreplaceable fundamental building block for the human species, for all human social groups – large or small – and for all nations & civilizations.

This places the family more prominently front & center in importance, which is the necessary first step.

Second, Remove the Malincentives – remove the financial incentives & the social incentives.

A court-enforced Increased Time Spent with Children -AND- a Financial Guarantee is a MASSIVE Incentive.

This MASSIVE Incentive ENCOURAGES Divorce & Family Fragmentation.

The destructive & corrosive nature of this – for families, and for nations & civilizations – cannot be overstated.

If you’re going to pay one party to destroy a union & disproportionately reward them with the family assets & the children, it doesn’t take a genius to understand that people will generally follow those incentives. (All animals, including humans, simply follow the incentives that are put before them.)

We must remove the Malincentives that these Family Courts & Laws promote & enforce.

They will continue to destroy our families, our nation, and our civilization, until we do.

If these Family Courts & Laws were working to our benefit, they wouldn’t have the destructive outcomes that they very clearly do. A look at the statistics & any random selection of the case studies shows nothing but horrifically destructive outcomes – for the families, for the parents, for the children, for the men, and for the women. No one is happy or fulfilled by these outcomes, and it’s time we stopped pretending otherwise.  

Initial Steps for Removing the Obvious Family Court & Family Law Malincentives:

Asset splits in divorce need to be standardized & carried out, without exception. True Equal Treatment under the law needs to be practiced.  

Equal Treatment means an automatic & mandatory:

1) 50% split of the custody of children, 2) no alimony or child support payments in either direction, 3) each party walks away with the assets that they brought into the marriage, if they still exist – and the assets that each individual earned during the marriage, if they were saved, and 4) any investments that were jointly made to be split based on the original proportion paid into the investment – so any gains are split 90/10, if each party invested 90/10 originally, and so on.

There is no justification for treating one party preferentially under a system of law that’s predicated upon Equal Treatment under the law. No one can argue that Equal Treatment is Unfair, or that Unequal Treatment is Fair. It’s time we stopped the rhetoric & preferential treatment & lived up to our ideals. This will at least remove the most obvious & most accessible malincentives that are destroying the family.

The Beneficial Incentives, to start with:

I’ve long argued for a system similar to what Hungary uses for incentivizing family formation & having children, basically a collection of tax breaks & tax incentives. While this is something that really needs to be addressed at the federal level, there is probably some ability to do this at the individual State, the City-state, and the community level as well. We will not go into those details here, however, as I’ve already covered that extensively in another place.

Beyond these types of Beneficial Incentives, there are also Natural Incentives – multiple resource considerations of all types that come into play.

As the saying goes: Money can’t buy happiness, but poverty buys a lot of misery.

Child rearing from a position of poverty is quite obviously not optimum. Splitting up a family makes that possibility much more likely. It doubles the expenses of a family.

It’s been shown over & over again that families who stay together accumulate more wealth than those that don’t. They split living expenses that otherwise would be doubled, such as the expense of a home, for instance, not to mention all of the other various expenses, which are legion. Having to spend money on two homes – two households – is obviously a subpar financial arrangement for a family. So is not being able to split the child rearing responsibilities. As such, it can easily be understood that these resource considerations quite obviously go well beyond the purely financial. (Also, think of this at the civilizational scale: Think of this from the perspective of accumulation of surplus, innovations, & prosperity – building a bigger whirlpool. Think of how these practices & policies contribute to that process – or drain it – as they play out over many millions of people and multiple generations. This is no trivial matter.)

Families that split up are poorer in every possible regard. Financially, socially, social support network wise, morally, ethically, educationally, normatively, temporally – there are simply less resources available to address these many needs. This is just physics. Parents are not super heroes. They have only a normal human amount of time & energy – and when separated – there just isn’t enough them to go around. There’s not enough “parenting” to go around – and the children, and the child rearing – suffers. Study after study, and statistical analysis after statistical analysis confirms this. You can’t cheat the laws of physics. We should stop pretending like we can. 

Look at it like this:

Raising ultra-alert & devious little hairless monkeys with an endless supply of energy ain’t easy. It takes two parents at the top of their game to do it well. There is no altering this calculus.

The evidence of what happens in the absence of those resources – what should really be understood as the programming & socialization resources necessary to train & raise children – is very clear and voluminous.

Just as one example of the compendium of bad outcomes, consider the well documented rise of delinquent behavior with children who don’t have a father at home, and the increased rate of incarceration among families without a father present.  

What can we learn from this?

Young men need to learn to be disciplined with their considerable abilities, and they need to be taught to direct their behavior toward productive pursuits. It’s a task that requires DIRECTION, rather than SUPPRESSION.  

We are getting this entirely wrong right now, and it’s having catastrophic consequences on our young men – and on our nation & civilization.

Young men need to be taught Restraint – a proper direction for their energies, rather than a suppression or removal of those energies.

They need to be taught to focus their energies into productive play that helps them develop. They need to learn to harness those energies toward beneficial purposes, to harness them for good, rather than for destructive or antisocial purposes. Every man remembers being taught these things by his father, I certainly do. Without this training, we would have a world full of honey badgers – uncivilized barbarians that take whatever they want & destroy anything that gets in their way. I know this, because I used to be one, until I was taught restraint & discipline – taught to be civilized – to direct my energies toward beneficial pursuits. We pretend, today, that we can simply ignore this needed training & socialization, or worse yet, that we can suppress it. This is a dangerous fantasy belief. It will ALWAYS backfire. (Look at what’s happening with the mobs of children in our cities. What do you suppose will happen when someone decides to organize & train those mobs of children who have: nothing better to do, nothing to lose, and no pathway to opportunity or other more productive pursuits? It doesn’t take a genius level intellect to play that clock forward.)  

Ignoring this need for training and direction & simply trying to suppress young men’s energy & innate behavior, as current generations have been doing, has had exactly the catastrophically destructive results that studies have been telling us we can expect from that practice for many, many decades now. You’re simply not going to suppress someone’s genetics – no matter how much you believe that you can. It’s a fantasy.  

Look up Instinctive Drift if you don’t understand this. Instinctive Drift refers to particular species-specific behaviors that interfere with the attempt to train animals to do things that conflict with their innate behaviors, such as foraging for food, or cleaning food – two popular examples that are often given. A vast range of these innate behaviors exist in all species. These innate behaviors, based in genetics – actual DNA – exist for all animals, humans included. You’re not going to change that DNA with wishful thinking. Men & women are a naturally occurring distribution of labor – short vs long-term interests – where these same innate behaviors are at play – based on their DNA – and, as such, determined by actual cellular structures within their brains (cognitive dimorphism). You can’t train these innate behaviors out of either group, and you certainly can’t suppress them. We need to stop telling each other the lie that we can. It’s a fantasy.

What does this tell us?

For one, it tells us that we must be honest with each other about who is equipped to do this training of young men. Only other men are capable of understanding this need, because they’ve experienced it themselves – and because they have these same innate behaviors & instincts, the same underlying physical structures which cause them. As such, only men can successfully undertake that training. No one else has the depth of understanding required – the innate, intuitive understanding required. People can bristle at that fact all they want, but it won’t change it.

We need to be honest with each other about the fact that men are required to do this job – and, as such, men are a required part of successful families.

Both parents have a role to play that’s necessary – without  either, children, and the society as a whole, suffer. It’s time we stopped living in a fantasy that pretends differently, and live instead, in reality.

Humanity cannot possibly exist without both men & women – and without both performing their roles, a naturally occurring distribution of labor that’s a mix of short & long-term interests. The family is where this negotiation – this trade between long & short-term interests – needs to take place, and other entities have no business whatsoever being involved in this process. It’s terribly destructive when they are – which the historical evidence highlights quite clearly at this point (family courts have done a monumentally destructive job of it). It’s time we were honest with ourselves, and one another, about these truths and stopped living in fantasy.

Without strong families, nations & civilizations cannot exist, and the human species itself cannot continue without producing families that produce & raise children. This is obvious & self-evident to even the most simple of intellects.

We must live in and face reality, as adults. This need for “adulting” is particularly relevant here.

Families act as adults to raise children.

In turn, as a civilization, we must act as adults to raise families.

Families are the basic building blocks of nations & civilizations.

Trying to live in any other reality is simply not possible. It’s a fantasy.

Trying to live outside the laws of physics is always harshly punished, without exception.

[The below highlights the fact that there are Two Components to the Initiatives meant to Strengthen the Family – the most basic building block of nations & civilizations; Socio-Familial Community Efforts, and Legal Efforts – dedicated solely to the reform & repair of Family Courts & Family Law. The basic legal reforms needed are repeated here.]

9. Initiatives to Repair Family Courts & Family Law – such that it promotes the formation & stability of Families, rather than incentivizes the instability, fracturing, & splitting apart of families. Any time you socially & financially incentivize one party to benefit from the breakup of the family, that is EXACTLY what you will get – the breakup of the family. This is precisely what we’ve done, and this is precisely what we see – the widespread breakup of the family in DIRECT RESPONSE to those malincentives. We must end the incentives that promote divorce & the breakup of the family.

Repairing family law to reflect Equal Treatment under the law:

Equal Treatment means an automatic & mandatory:

1) 50% split of the custody of children, 2) no alimony or child support payments in either direction, 3) each party walks away with the assets that they brought into the marriage, if they still exist – and the assets that each individual earned during the marriage, if they were saved, and 4) any investments that were jointly made to be split based on the original proportion paid into the investment – so any gains are split 90/10, if each party invested 90/10 originally, and so on.

There is no justification for treating one party preferentially under a system of law that’s predicated upon Equal Treatment under the law. No one can argue that Equal Treatment is Unfair, or that Unequal Treatment is Fair. It’s time we stopped the rhetoric & preferential treatment & lived up to our ideals.

This is the only fair way to proceed that ends malincentives in either direction. Fairness and Equal Treatment under the law matters tremendously in these issues. (In addition to tax incentives & tax breaks for having children & being married, this will promote family formation, and, to the extent that it’s possible, prevent the epidemic of divorce – all contributing to ending the malincentives which fuel the destruction of the family, and replacing them with beneficial incentives that promote family formation & stability.)   

It’s obvious & must also be noted here that raising children is expensive & financial considerations are a part of this equation, which is why education, job creation, & economic development and improvement measures are also addressed.  These issues and more are all intermingled with creating a healthy & vibrant nation & civilization. We have to do them all.

10. Civic Health Initiatives – We must teach civics, the Constitution, & comparative civilization; educate regarding Stewardship and what it means to be a Statesman, educate regarding what is required to build & maintain a nation and a civilization. We’ve stopped doing this at all, at any level. This is quite obviously a major problem. How on earth is anyone supposed to maintain something that they do not understand? It’s an impossibility.

I’m a strong proponent of requiring that citizens pass a simple civics test in order to be eligible to vote. It’s the least we could do to ensure that our citizens have at least a basic & rudimentary understanding of the nation & civilization that we’re trying to maintain. If a person is not competent enough to do that, why in the world would we want them to help steer the ship? Icebergs are a thing. Let’s avoid that obvious catastrophe. Let’s invite, and indeed incentivize – those who are competent enough to participate – to do so, and take care of those who are not competent enough to participate. Let’s not confuse the two groups. A more foolish policy would be difficult to conceive of.

Teaching Initiatives: Basic Civics; basic knowledge of the Constitution – political organization under a Contract, and the details of the type of government we have; Comparative Civilization – so we understand how & why our civilization & our culture work the way they do, and can compare & contrast that with how others work; teaching the basics of Stewardship – is this good for me, my family, my community, my nation, my culture, & my civilization – today, tomorrow, next month, next year, and into the foreseeable future; teaching what it means to be a Statesman – how to build States and Nations, and the Institutions & People that maintain them – what is required culturally, economically, educationally, morally, ethically, politically, familially, etc.

Again, we aren’t doing any of this, and it shows. There is an intellectual, moral, & ethical bankruptcy throughout nearly all parts of organized society, resulting in an inevitable & completely predictable decline & decay. As with many of the issues we’ve discussed, the cities are most susceptible to these problems. They are the canaries in the coal mine, feeling these problems first, and most severely.

11. Development, Discipline, & Restraint Initiatives – We’ve touched on this briefly above, and it’s something that’s currently being completely ignored, and as such, needs its own dedicated initiative.

Young men, in particular, need activities & games they can participate in that teach them discipline & restraint – teach them how to harness their considerably energies & capabilities for beneficial purposes. This is a tremendously important part of training & civilizing young men so that they can become civilized & productive members of society. We’re currently wasting these potentials – and these young men. This is not just unacceptable, but despicable – unconscionable. This development, discipline, & restraint – this necessary training of young men – is currently being completely ignored, and in fact, suppressed at every opportunity. That is a wholly ignorant, reckless, dangerous, and completely unacceptable approach to this issue. And it must end, without exception.   

We need martial activities & games that young men can participate in. This is critically important for them to learn their place in the world. Again, this teaches them discipline & restraint, gives them purpose, teaches them to harness their energies & capabilities toward beneficial pursuits – prepares them to take their rightful & necessary place within the compendium of security & emergency response apparati that are necessary for the security of every nation & civilization, and it prepares them to take their place in the myriad competitive endeavors throughout society that are necessary in order to continually propel us forward & keep us constantly adapting to ever-changing circumstances – all things that are inarguably necessary for a civilization to maintain its health & functional status. Whether anyone likes it or not, men are required for this. Disciplined & highly-competent men who are capable of restraint. But we must train them. These things do not magically happen on their own. The training of men for these roles is a very long tradition within Western civilization, and it’s also a strong American tradition which we must continue if we truly want to succeed & prosper – flourish & thrive, as a cohesive nation, culture, & civilization. There are no other alternatives to these civilizing forces which help us to forge young men.

We need to be training young men in the entire range of civil defense & emergency response roles that any community & nation needs – using a range of games, exercises, & competitions to do it. This should be standard practice – expected.

We will either forge this resource – these young men – into something useful for society and give them purpose & something to belong to, something to fight for – or one of two things will happen: they will languish – fail to develop and fail to prosper & thrive, and we will consequently fail to benefit from that valuable, but wasted resource -OR- they will turn against us & punish us for our foolishness & cruelty (I will reference you again to the mobs of youth in our failed City-states, and remind you, this will only get worse the longer we wait.). In either case, the long-term result of this failure to train young men – give them a purpose & something to belong to & fight for – will be untold destruction & suffering. History shows us that this game predictably plays out to one of those two endings, should we fail in our duties to train young men & give them purpose. Let’s make the wiser choice and do the work that’s required to forge a strong & dependable group of young men who will fight tirelessly for the benefit of our nation, our civilization, and our people. Let’s actively give them something to fight for & be proud of. The other options are highly unpleasant for everyone. And they’re a lot closer than anyone would like to believe.

To reiterate the Organizational Structure that these Initiatives can easily take place under; this is an attenuated version of the detailed description provided in the text above:

12. Security & Enforcement Mechanisms & Forces – organized by geographically connected collections of neighborhoods – with a maximum population size – so there are not a few very large & powerful, but unaccountable groups. Something like 1,000 people max is manageable – and these are the Sectors that make up the independent, autonomous collection of Neighborhood Units: 10 x 100 = 1,000.

100 people, organizationally speaking, has been shown to be about the maximum effective limit on the number of people a group can contain while still being manageable. 100 people can easily be known & accountable to one another. Each Neighborhood Unit to elect one person know to his peers to be highly competent to represent them on a 10 person Sector Council.

Under this structure all actors can be held accountable for meeting goals & benchmarks – within all of the initiatives. These groups can undertake official business; lodge complaints; take actions that seek to organize & gather grand juries, juries, & other official proceedings such as impeachment removals of captured, corrupted, or negligent public servant office holders; sign off on whether programs are progressing appropriately; be the contact point for other Sectors when there are problems, or if there needs to be any sort of coordination; to address the whole range of the good, the bad, or the ugly.

Each Sector to elect a leadership council of 10 individuals, known to them for their competence, for each of these initiatives listed. 

All Neighborhood Units & Sectors should:

Set up phone tree type communications systems, with built-in back-ups. I covered this security/emergency/military PACE-type planning elsewhere & won’t belabor it too much here. This is simply a means of contacting others in the event of urgent matters or emergencies: Phone, radio, flare, fog horn, siren, physical contact, etc.

In sum, reiterated from the detailed text description earlier in the document:

Districts organized into Numbered Sectors comprised of 1000 people per Sector; each Sector then broken down into 100 person Neighborhood Units (10 x 100 = 1000). [For instance: 4 Quadrants comprise the Districts; Numbered Sectors (1 thru however many are needed) comprise the Sectors; Ten, one-hundred person Neighborhood Units comprise each Sector] [The number of Quadrants and Districts can obviously be expanded as needed to keep things manageable. Employ your logistics people here to help make these practical determinations.]

Conceptually, it’s important to keep in mind that these areas are really just collections of geographically connected neighborhoods – organizing around obvious areas of commonality.

One of the biggest problems in cities is anonymity & lack of accountability. This Organizational Structure addresses both of those problems.

Each of these groups of 100 people – organized into Neighborhood Units – are easily known to one another & responsible to one another.

13. Bureaucratic Elimination Initiatives – Eliminating the unproductive & cancerous roles that parasite from society & civilization – take food from the mouths of citizens & their families. Firing or Retiring this unproductive, parasitic, & cancerous class; forcing them to find work that pursues productive, rather than parasitic ends – produces rather than consumes without limit – and without giving anything back. [Find a detailed description of this cancerous growth in the text above: here]

Review ALL of the organizations – public & private – that operate in your Neighborhood Unit & Sector area to determine if this cancerous bureaucratic-administrative bloat exists, and if so, develop a concrete plan to address it – engaging with those entities where it exists, who also suffer from it, in order to help them eliminate it – or in the case that those entities are hostile to these necessary self-preservational efforts, expelling those hostile entities from your area, and contacting other areas, in other Sectors & Districts – and even contacting areas outside the City-state – in order to act in concert with them, and have these hostile entities expelled from ALL OF THE AREAS they operate within.

Reports on these investigations should be periodically published & made publicly available to all other Sectors & Districts and all other outside individuals & entities who may have an interest in this information. A Bureaucratic-Administrative Bloat Score (BABS, heh!) should probably be published showing the percentage of bureaucratic-administrative positions within the particular entity in question, thus providing a simple “at a glance” figure that can be used to quickly identify problem entities.  

The time has come to ROOT OUT THIS EVIL.

None of us have any obligation to tolerate organizations who actively work against our interests, our people, our states, our nation, or our civilization. In fact, we have a duty – morally and contractually – to expel these harmful & destructive entities; whether in the public or private sector, whether in government or bureaucratic offices, whether in corporate or business associations, and whether in nefarious foundations or NGOs.

If we want to live, we must cut out this cancer. If we don’t, it will kill us. And unfortunately, I mean that quite literally.


These Conservatorship Transition Initiatives appear to be the bare minimum initiatives required for these failed City-states to transition to a fully-functioning status – capable of self-government & having all of the necessary components required to be fully-functioning members of our republic, and our civilization.

This structure is organized to ensure & incentivize accountability, & a distributed balance of power & responsibility.

Citizens are responsible for all of the Conservatorship Transition Initiatives in their Sector.

Sectors & Neighborhood Units should, of course, have not just numbers, but informal names that their members can refer to, in order to personalize & humanize their membership – making it something that represents them & who they are, something they can be proud of, something that represents their area, its geography, etc.

Should Sectors become aware of particularly successful initiatives from any other Sector, they can readily adopt that template – using what has been proven to work. Thusly, it will be very easy to spread success – even if starting from an initial point of having nothing built or implemented. This is a structure which will incentivized all Sectors to act in their own best interests and to help one another become more functional in order to, not just come out of conservatorship, but simply to be more functional & prosperous, to flourish & thrive rather than suffer. This increasing ability to thrive will be increasingly obvious as the response to the Moral Health Initiatives, the Civic Health Initiatives, the Family Strength Initiatives, and all of the other Initiatives begin to take effect within each sector.  

In order to have sufficient enforcement power & incentives in place to actually be able to clean up the widespread capture, corruption, negligence, & unaccountability – the out of control dysfunction that’s evident in the failed City-states at all levels – it’s apparent that it’s necessary to require: 1) citizens to be members in good standing of one of the Sector’s 100 person Neighborhood Units, and 2) to pass a basic civics test, in order to be eligible to vote.

These two things are the lynch pins of Accountability, Competence, & Responsibility that are required in order to be able to clean up advanced dysfunction.

The Neighborhood Units will then have the primary responsibility of ensuring voter registration is completed for each of its members, and to ensure that if members become inactive, they are removed from the voter registration roles. In turn, every citizen is expected to do their duty of voting in elections – an important part of the Moral & Civic Health Initiatives. This is where an important check & balance on voter registration comes into play. It will be very easy to track down fraud & prosecute those responsible, especially since these 100 people are readily known to one another, and especially since the Election System specified is completely transparent & independently auditable at every level.


The criteria for coming out of Conservatorship, two steps:

Step One, Provisional Status: Each District, meaning each Quadrant, must have Each of these 13 Conservatorship Transition Initiatives actively functioning & readily available to all members –AND- have kept them active & successful for 2 years, in order to be able to Provisionally come out of Conservatorship.  [Quadrants may share Initiative infrastructure providing those Initiatives will remain readily accessible to all members.]

Step Two, Fully Capable of Self-governing Status:  After having kept these Conservatorship Transition Initiatives active & successful, as specified above, for 5 years, these failed City-states may then come out of Provisional Self-government Status.

At this stage, they will have laid the foundations necessary which will allow them to successfully undertake self-government once again. However, they must always keep these Conservatorship Transition Initiatives active, as measured by any outside, independent source, at any time, in order to keep from being placed back into Conservatorship status again. This is what is required to keep these vulnerable areas – these canaries in the coalmine – from sliding into dysfunction & becoming a danger to everyone around them.

Any failed City-state that is in Conservatorship status is ineligible to participate in National or State-level elections – due to the corrupted & fraudulent election systems therewhere the results cannot be verified and are capable of adversely influencing National & State election outcomes, as has been shown to have happen in the past, and is still a growing & un-confronted problem. This requirement, once enacted & implemented, immediately alleviates those problems, and along with the implementation of a Transparent & Independently Auditable Election System, allows ALL Americans to be confident in the integrity of their elections. This will restore public trust in elections, which has been near universally lost at this point. Without these measures, it does not appear that there is any way to restore that public trust – a circumstance which ensures greater conflict, increasing division, and eventual Balkanization – a circumstance generally attended by considerable bloodshed, an extended period of conflict & war, and a tremendous & unnecessary loss of life which purchases us only greater weakness – as a people, as a nation, and as a culture & civilization.


Now that the details have been laid out, it must be noted that there is nothing that stipulates that every citizen has to participate in every program. These aren’t reeducation camps. However, as we’ve previously outlined, having these critically important foundational components available is a crucial & necessary resource that many will choose to engage with – utilizing these various programs & initiatives because they’re helpful & personally beneficial to them, because they’re fun & interesting, and because they will get a sense of belonging & community from them – something they aren’t getting anywhere else in the modern world right now – which is a big part of many of the problems we face, not just here, but around the world.    

Additionally, when these resources exist, some who have primary responsibility for the care & development of others – such as parents – will direct their children to these programs because they are highly useful tools to use for their children’s development & socialization, invaluable resources to leverage – if these programs exist. If not, obviously these kids will look for other things to occupy their time, not all of which will be good or beneficial. Again, parents are not superheroes. They can only work with the tools that are readily available to them. When looked at from this perspective, at its core, this is again, a simple matter of replacing malincentives with beneficial incentives and programs – which, if you’ll notice, is the opposite of what the forces that we’re currently battling against are doing.  

Now, additionally, these programs are also available to officials, such as judges, who may be looking for readily accessible means & mechanisms with which to make real & actual attempts at socialization & rehabilitation – particularly for troubled youth who may still be able to be reached (reaching adults is much more difficult). So, court mandated participation in these programs – if they exist – is an optional tool that judges could use. Currently, there are few if any programs such as this for good judges to utilize. We need to give ALL of our people the tools necessary to make these transitions successful. Far too often we hamstring, isolate, & blame those who would otherwise be valuable and effective allies & partners in these transitions. Instead, we should be giving them tools and empowering them. Not just judges, but neighborhoods and citizens, as well. That time has arrived. The other methods have failed, and there is no longer any denying it. It’s time we did something about that.


This solution is rooted in our traditions & the traditions of our law; we’re contractually obligated to ensure the republican form of government that this solution provides for; and we’re morally obligated to take responsibility for the wellbeing of our fellow man & reduce needless & completely preventable human suffering. There does not appear to be a better practical means of accomplishing these things which is readily available to us.

As far as I can tell:

This is it. This is the standard.

I haven’t heard anyone, anywhere, offer up anything better. (And what we’re doing now clearly isn’t working.)

I don’t say that out of arrogance, but simply as a matter of practicality. We need to do something that will work. The situation as it stands is untenable, and everyone knows this.

Well, here’s the solution. Let’s get to work.

[Given the growing failed-state status we’re experiencing on many levels, and particularly strongly in these failed City-states: Keep in mind the fact that no one is going to come forward & “give permission” for this solution. You’ll have to decide on your own how & when it happens. Talking about it – promoting the possibility – might be a good first step so that people have time to think about it, and absorb it.]

I’m not married to any of this, by the way. I’m more than happy to support anything that’s a better solution. Anything rooted in the laws of physics & the natural laws of human behavior. So far, I simply haven’t seen anything that even remotely approaches that.

Again, I’m happy to support that better solution, anytime it evinces itself.

If you’ve – “got this” – I’m more than happy to go to the beach. I’ve got at least a hundred other things I’d rather be doing.

But so far, nobody has shown any evidence that they’ve “got this”.

So, until that day, I’m going to present this as the standard. The model to beat.

I’ll keep my beach towel handy just in case, but I’m not holding my breath. This seems a lot like a dirty job that everyone’s too afraid to tackle.

This, is the political solution.

And as far as I know, the only one.



Why Failed City-states matter to a people, a culture, and a nation under attack – at war with foreign & domestic enemies – at war with real world evil.

Failed city-states are a cross-border hide for the insurgency that we very clearly face.

We’re going to have to do something about that.

Insurgencies with a cross-border hide usually win, eventually.

Start with Mao if you need to study that.

We have to eliminate the enemy’s ability to use cross-border hides if we want to win this war.

Suggesting that we can just walk away & let the cities fester – ignore those cross-border hides – is a deadly & foolish mistake.

We have to eliminate the enemy’s ability to use cross-border hides everywhere they exist – at every level. And there are many.

– This is a physical, intellectual, & socio-cultural-economic battlespace.

Failed City-states, bureaucracy(the administrative state), HR, academia, public school systems, monopoly legacy media & captured social media, foundations/NGOs/think tanks, centralized “associations” that advocate for & lobby congress for any of the above groups(there are many, particularly among “business” interests, but many others as well), and now illegal alien hot spots which are increasingly being set up nationwide, etc – these are ALL cross-border hides – of one sort or another.

We’re going to have to do something about them.

So long as we let this insurgency exist – in all of the cross-border hides it uses to shield & protect itself – it will seek to undermine & destroy us.

Those who undertake this insurgency have beliefs that, at their core, are incompatible with our system – our people, our culture, our heritage, our nation, & our civilization.

We cannot coexist.

Believing that this is possible is a deadly & dangerous fantasy.

We are incompatible.

Only one side can win this war. (Are you on the side of civilization, or the destruction of it?)

The other will be wiped off the map.

The sooner we wrap our minds around that, the sooner we can do the range of things that need to be done in order to eliminate the enemy’s ability to use cross-border hides, and finally end this insurgency. 





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Truth – Transparency – Reciprocity – Sovereignty – Self-Determination – & the Rule of Law (by codified Natural Law)

by Christopher Alan Reid

Regarding this work: Copy, paste, share, & redistribute at will, in whole or in part.

© 2023 Christopher Alan Reid





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