Wrecking CRT

This is the argument that will kill CRT (& SJW lies of all varieties).

{As with all general frameworks & mental maps, reconfigure & fill in around the edges as needed to shape & round out the argument to fit your needs for each particular situation. All of the individual components are there to configure whatever type & shape of weapon you need. The argument & the underlying technique used is based off of the Dialectic Hammer explained here.}


Unfortunately, due to a complete lack of leadership & responsibility from our intellectual classes, having been obviously corrupted & co-opted, widely understood to be intellectually bankrupt, lazy, & fundamentally exhausted; long devoid of real, critical, creative & original thought; those fighting on the front lines, having been deprived of that leadership, insight, & support that would ordinarily have come from an honest, vibrant, & competent intellectual class, are consequently not recognizing some of the most critical & fundamental weaknesses of Critical Race Theory, & as such, failing to attack it at all of its weakest points. This document will help to change that & help to hasten the demise of Critical Race Theory, bringing about a swifter & more complete & permanent end to the scourge.    

The following is the collective set of arguments that can be used to directly & definitively beat Critical Race Theory, discredit & dismantle it; expose it for the lie & fraud that it is, & expose it for the harmful & damaging false ideology that it is. Critical Race Theory is anti-fact, anti-truth, anti-science, anti-white, & anti-civilization. It is meant only to breed conflict & result in destruction. Despite its publicly stated false rhetoric, it has no other goals & can result in no other possible outcomes.


The main body of the argument:


Reciprocity is required for interpersonal justice.

That is a fundamental & unalterable truth. It’s not malleable.

That reciprocity, & that interpersonal justice between any two people is a prerequisite for any sort of wider social justice.

That is a fundamental & unalterable truth. It’s not malleable.

Reciprocity & interpersonal justice are the building blocks for wider social justice.

No social justice can be achieved when that is not understood.

No social justice is possible when reciprocity & interpersonal justice are violated.


Every tenet, every practice, & every claim of Critical Race Theory violates reciprocity & interpersonal justice.

Critical Race Theory, in fact, violates all of its own main tenets. 

{See the tenet by tenet breakdown below {Detailed Attack}, as including the full argument here likely makes it too unwieldy to use in real life interactions. Memorize the arguments & bring them out as need during interactions.}


Critical Race Theory is harmful lies, start to finish.

It’s based on an area of science that can’t even replicate 60% of its studies. That means it’s unable to pass the basic tests for scientific rigor that every student of science understands are critical for identifying truth.

That’s a 60% failure rate. A 60% rate of outright fraud.

If you’re failing 60% of the time; if you’re allowing a 60% rate of fraud, you’re doing some fundamental things wrong.

It’s time for these areas of “science” to admit their failures & frauds & do something about them. {Incidentally, calling anything with a 60% failure & fraud rate “science”, is overly generous. It’s time to either earn the name, or give it up for good.}

To everyone with any level of responsibility or participation in any one of these fields with a 60% failure & fraud rate:

You have failed.

You have lost all credibility.

And you have lost the trust of not only the people, but the wider scientific community.

It’s time to reform, or end up in the trash bin of history.

You are on the wrong side of history.

Critical Race Theory is on the wrong side of history.

A 60% failure rate is intolerable. A 60% fraud rate is intolerable.

Lies are intolerable.

Lying to children & spreading a false & hateful ideology that harms children, society, & the social fabric is intolerable.

Intolerable things, by definition, will not be tolerated.

That is a fundamental & unalterable truth. It is not malleable.


{^^^^ – Main crux of argument – the kernel. – ^^^^}


The counterattack & extended argument that also kills the infrastructure pushing & supporting CRT:


Who are the nefarious groups behind these attacks who are pushing this false, harmful, hateful & destructive ideology known as Critical Race Theory?

They should come out front & publicly defend these false, harmful, hateful & destructive ideologies instead of cowering in the darkness while they encourage others to do their dirty work for them; promoting & defending the indefensible, the false, harmful, hateful & destructive ideology known as Critical Race Theory.

We should require truth in advertising for these nefarious groups & their cowardly & dishonest supporters. We should publicly identify the billion dollar foundations, organizations, & individuals who fund & promote these harmful agendas, & require both accountability & restitution for the very clear damage they are actively funding & promoting.

We should require truth in advertising for the NEA. We should call that organization what its behavior makes very clear that it is. The NEA is a National Organization of Karens, evil Karens, with nothing but nefarious goals & malicious intent, as evidenced by its consistent support & promotion of the false, harmful, hateful & destructive ideology known as Critical Race Theory. The NEA & its malicious behavior has become incredibly damaging to society & to the very stability of civilization; at once erosive & cancerous to our culture & our very way of life. This is true of the nefarious foundations & individuals that fund, support, & ally with the NEA as well. It’s time they were all held accountable for the damage they have done & actively continue to do.

One cannot undertake the systemic harm of a nation’s children, as the NEA & their cowardly & dishonest supporting foundations & individuals very clearly do, without being recognized as morally reprehensible.

Harming the nation’s children precludes one from ever claiming the moral high ground.

It’s time to put an end to this harmful organization & its cowardly & dishonest supporting foundations who hide in the shadows.

It’s time to undertake this effort on all fronts.

Including through the courts with litigation; through legislation; through educational policy reform; through the firing of school board members & teachers who push & pursue these false, harmful, & hateful ideologies which harm the children they are responsible for protecting; through the continual promotion of the truth by all honest media, exposing the harmful, false, & destructive nature of these ideologies; & through the continued efforts of brave parents on the front lines who have been leading this fight.

Perhaps it’s also time for the trial lawyers to get involved.

Trial lawyers, there is clear & demonstrable damage here, & lots of money to be made. Perhaps it’s time to go to work.




For the school boards backed by these nefarious groups & foundations such as the NEA, who are willfully parroting their harmful, false & disingenuous talking points:

Your slandering of anyone who disagrees with you as a so-called “right-wing extremist” is just an anti-white dog whistle meant to shut down an actual discussion of the facts. You’re afraid of the truth & a truthful discussion, so you attack individuals & slander them in an attempt to distract attention, rather than discuss a clearly false, harmful, hateful & destructive ideology.

Fear of the truth does not give you license to attack & slander individuals without consequence.

Perhaps it’s time to start litigating these slanders & defamations, as well as the organizations who back those who are doing the slandering, given that they’re handing out the talking points & encouraging that slanderous behavior.



It’s not enough that we beat the false message; the false, harmful, hateful & destructive, anti-fact, anti-truth, anti-science, anti-white, & anti-civilization message of Critical Race Theory; we must beat, discredit, & dismantle the organizations who are funding & promoting it, the NEA & their hundreds of aligned foundations.


Truth is required in our society. We believe our children are important & deserve a truthful education based in facts & science. The NEA & their aligned foundations don’t believe in truth, facts, or science. They don’t believe in the most basic tenets of science & the scientific method; objective & observable evidence based on carefully controlled experiments that prove causality, the foundational basis of ascertaining truth using the scientific method. The NEA & their supporting foundations are clearly anti-truth, anti-fact, & anti-science, as can clearly be observed based on their continued & deliberate behavior of consistently supporting false, harmful, hateful & destructive anti-fact, anti-truth, anti-science, anti-white, & anti-civilization ideologies like Critical Race Theory. The NEA & their aligned foundations are working very hard every day & spending millions & millions of dollars to harm generations of children with this continued & deliberate behavior which favors & promotes lies & harm.

We must rid our society of these harmful, hateful & destructive influences.


We are a society that believes in hard work, perseverance, & meritocracy. To clarify, since there seems to be some confusion about the true meaning of the term, Meritocracy means rewarding people for their hard work, perseverance, growth, & excellence. We do this because these practices have measurable value to all people involved; the individuals who work hard, persevere, grow, & excel, & are rewarded for that effort, & all those in the community & wider society who benefit from that excellence.    

We are not a society who believes in a cult of victimhood, learned helplessness, & a message of hopelessness that teaches & encourages people not to progress, excel, & continually work hard to be their best.  

Those messages quite clearly have no measurable value to people. Not the individuals who will fail to grow & achieve under them, & not the community or wider society that will continually be eroded & weighed down by the cancerous effects of those harmful & destructive messages & the false ideologies that are constructed from them.

We understand those false & damaging messages to be very clearly destructive to every individual, personally; destructive to our culture & our way of life; destructive to the stability of our civilization; & destructive to the prosperity of every single individual citizen in our society. These false & damaging messages & ideologies simply cannot & will not be tolerated.



Detailed Attack:

These are notes & detailed attacks (factual refutations) developed directly in relation to the stated tenets of Critical Race Theory:


The most important thing to recognize is that the foundation that Critical Race Theory is built upon has no basis in facts or evidence.

I’ll say again, its foundations rely wholly upon:

A presumption of facts & reality which have no supporting scientific evidence to back them up, & as such, have no basis in actual fact or reality.

CRT relies wholly upon assertions, not facts.

There is no basis whatsoever to back up Critical Race Theory’s claims. Not in fact, & not in science. Again, there is no scientific evidence whatsoever to back up its claims. Assertions are not facts. And Critical Race Theory is fundamentally about assertion, & not facts. Fantasy & not reality.


How Critical Race Theory violates its own 5 tenets: {See “Resources” at bottom of doc for the 5 Tenets & link to source}

1. It does not understand race, or racism.

Critical Race Theory is blatantly & undeniably anti-white; an attack on whites, & white values; values which incidentally enable the truth-telling norms which build high trust, which in turn, creates & reinforces the high-trust society which characterizes our civilization, provides stability, & enables a level of prosperity unprecedented in human history.

2. It does not understand the difference between – “a dominant ideology” – and norms & values, practices which have developed over millennia because they have universal utility, usefulness, & value to all people in a civilization, regardless of their group membership. Indeed these norms & values, these practices are not ideologies, they are useful practices undertaken because they have tangible value to the people who use them, & because they produce tangible, favorable outcomes that individuals want, or else they would not engage in them. Individuals engage in these norms & values, these practices, of their own free will because they reliably & efficiently produce desired outcomes. It is that simple.

3. {I’ve addressed this one previously, above, in the main body of the argument.} Reciprocity is required for interpersonal justice.

That is a fundamental & unalterable truth. It’s not malleable.

That reciprocity, that interpersonal justice between any two people is a prerequisite for any sort of wider social justice.

Reciprocity & interpersonal justice are the building blocks for wider social justice.

No social justice can be achieved when that is not understood.

No social justice is possible when reciprocity & interpersonal justice are violated.

Every tenet, every practice, & every claim of Critical Race Theory violates reciprocity & interpersonal justice.

4. Attempting to conflate so-called “experiential knowledge” with fact is just a trick used to deceive. It’s a dishonest attempt to present any claim as fact, simply because one believes it. That is not the way science, or reality, works. And every honest, common sense observer understands this quite clearly.

Assertions are not facts. Facts must be proven with evidence, based in scientific investigation, using the rigors of the scientific method. Critical Race Theory is wholly unable to do this. Why? Because every single one of its tenets is based upon assertions, not facts. Critical Race Theory is lies, start to finish.

Critical Race Theory is based upon the rejection of truth & the embrace of lies. Critical Race Theory is the opposite of the search for truth. It seeks only to disguise lies as truth using deception, with the intent to produce harm & destruction.

5. Critical Race Theory conveniently ignores clear interdisciplinary evidence which does not support its tenets, but in fact refutes them. Facts & evidence from multiple disciplines of science indicate that CRT’s assertions are demonstrably wrong, not true, & not backed up by any facts or evidence whatsoever, quite clearly refuting any & all assertions made by Critical Race Theory.


Critical Race Theory is lies, start to finish.




In Critical Race Theory, false concepts like “unearned privilege” are simply used as a means to attack & destroy a civilization’s prosperity by attacking the foundations that allow that prosperity to be built.

In this case, the collection of mechanisms that can be thought of as “the engine of prosperity”, comprised of the truth-telling norms that create the widespread proliferation of trust among a population which, in turn, builds a high-trust society, allowing for the widespread cooperation & trade that produces levels of prosperity unprecedented in human history, is what the concept of “unearned privilege” is attacking.  

Critical Race Theory & all of its concepts are simply a means of attacking a civilization’s engine of prosperity.


Explained in more detail:


The false concept of “unearned privilege” is simply a purposeful misrepresentation or willfully ignorant misunderstanding of the collection of mechanisms which enable prosperity & a high-trust society; truth-telling norms & the proliferation of trust within a civilization.

These are prerequisites that represent a very valuable & indispensable civic commons which enable the increased levels of prosperity enjoyed by all high-trust civilizations. Prosperity is not possible without the production of these civic commons, nor without the high cost of the majority of citizens paying into them with truth-telling behavior, rather than face before truth behavior that seeks to maintain status, prestige, & “perceived virtue” by others, which would ultimately reduce the expectation of receiving truthful information & interactions, in turn, consistently & incrementally decreasing trust within the whole of the civilization, contributing to & eventually producing a low-trust society with drastically reduced levels of prosperity.

These valuable civic commons are available to all citizens who are willing to pay into that high-trust civic commons by telling the truth (& requiring & enforcing all members of their group, whatever that identifiable group is, to do the same), thereby building & reinforcing that truth-telling norm, that civic commons, which is the fundamental building block that creates the growth of trust within a civilization, & the growth of a high-trust civilization itself, which is the key to all prosperity.

The will to misrepresent, or the inability to understand this fundamental chain of events which are the building blocks of our civilization, our way of life, & our prosperity, is simply one more in a long list of ways that our enemies use to attack us. This is a practice frequently undertaken by those who adhere to what I term mao-marxian hybrid ideologies, an eclectic collection of beliefs & attack tools produced by hateful & destructive false belief systems used to attack, undermine, & destroy our culture, our civilization, & our way of life. Ultimately, whether those attacks are undertaken intentionally, with malice, or whether they are the work of useful idiots does not matter, as the results of the attacks are the same either way, destruction of culture, civilization, & prosperity.  

Though convoluted & complex in its implementation given the twisting of facts & reality required to achieve its goals, at its base, this practice is very simple, & very simple in its goals. It’s nothing more than a total war doctrine applied against a civilization with the intent to weaken & destroy it. Much has been written about those doctrines, whether it be called Unrestricted Warfare, such as the Chinese military has written about, or whether it be other historical sources which they drew upon. The bottom line is that these practices are attacks. Those making the attacks will never tell you that because this negates the power of the attacks. The power of the attacks themselves hinge on a civilization remaining unaware they are being attacked. Once a civilization becomes aware of the attacks AND begins to counter them, the effectiveness of the attacks is negated.

That is where we stand.

We must:

A) Recognize the attacks.

B) Spread awareness of the attacks to every corner of our civilization.

– Call out the attacks. Explain them.

C) Counterattack.

– We must destroy the enemy’s ability to attack & their access to all the resources they leverage to make those attacks, or the attacks will NEVER stop.

– Anything else is a distraction.

– A defense only strategy, is wholly inadequate to the nature & scope of the threat we face.



We make a massive & inexcusable unforced error when we assume that people who promote & defend Critical Race Theory are being genuine in their assertions & public rhetoric. They are not.

Assume that they seek the opposite of what they claim publicly. Why? Because that more accurately characterizes the inevitable outcomes of the policies & practices for which they advocate.

Their policies & practices will inevitably produce outcomes that are the inverse of what they claim.

They in fact cannot explain, in detail, with supporting facts & evidence how any of Critical Race Theory’s policies, practices, & assertions will lead to better outcomes. Ask them to explain, in detail, how any of Critical Race Theory policies, practices, & assertions will lead to prosperity for our civilization. Be sure to insist that they cite verifiable scientific facts & evidence in their explanations. They cannot. And they will change the subject in a number of different ways, including slandering you & defaming you character, in order to avoid confronting their inevitable inability to explain. They do not wish to call attention to the fundamental & fatal flaws of Critical Race Theory & they will go to great lengths to avoid any serious discussion of the facts & evidence.  

Critical Race Theory is a fatally flawed false ideology that will result only in increased suffering & destruction. There is simply no hiding those facts.

As even Harris points out: “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place”

This is an ideology that would cut off everyone’s legs because one person in a civilization can’t walk.

Ask yourself how subjecting everyone in our civilization to terrible suffering is going to improve anyone’s lives or bring us increased prosperity.

It simply can’t.

Critical Race Theory is a lie.

Critical Race Theory is anti-fact, anti-truth, anti-science, anti-white, & anti-civilization. It is meant only to breed conflict & result in destruction. Despite its publicly stated false rhetoric, it has no other goals & no other possible outcomes.





Potential arguments for when they bring up & talk about truth:


You speak of truth, but you don’t believe in objectivity, facts, or the scientific method. Everything required for finding truth, accuracy of information, is something you actively attack & undermine at every opportunity. You don’t believe in the very tenets that allow for the search for truth. You are by definition, in favor of lies. As such, everything you say is dishonest & cannot be trusted.

Why should anyone trust anything you have to say when you are very clearly dishonest?

Why should anyone trust the word of a confirmed, unabashed, & unashamed liar; someone who consistently promotes lies & undermines the search for truth?


You don’t believe in rewarding hard work & effort through merit-based evaluations & outcomes, a process which motivates people to work hard to learn & improve themselves & provides the appropriate guide posts which allow them to do that effectively & efficiently. This is a proven process that creates growth & excellence at the individual level; an incredibly valuable & useful mechanism which everyone can leverage for their own benefit; yet you seek at every opportunity to destroy the ability for people to prosper by using it.

Only the truly misguided, or the truly malicious & nefarious would do something so obviously destructive.

Which are you?



To top off your morally reprehensible behavior:

You say you’re dedicated to eliminating racism, but your ideology is clearly & unequivocally anti-white. So that too is clearly a lie.

You demonstrably DO NOT believe in truth, & you demonstrably DO NOT have the moral high ground.

You are a morally reprehensible liar who has no business being anywhere near children, let alone being responsible for educating them.

How can anyone who has so clearly failed at achieving a basic level of socialization themselves; who is very clearly & demonstrably immoral; who is very clearly an unabashed & unashamed liar; how can such a troubled & incomplete person be trusted with the responsibility of educating highly impressionable children?


You say you believe in “social justice”, but you don’t believe in reciprocity & interpersonal justice, which are required for Actual, Real social justice, rather than the ‘social justice in name only’ that you so clearly believe in. So again, you’re simply lying. You’re lying for your own personal gain.

If you don’t like being called a liar, stop lying. If you don’t like being called a liar, stop trying to present a false reality to people for your own personal gain. Stop being a wolf in sheep’s clothing & hurting children for your own personal gain. We don’t accept that in our society. You have clearly failed to obtain even a basic level of socialization that would allow you to interact in this society without hurting others. In a world based on truth & reciprocity, basic mechanisms that are the foundations of our ability to reduce conflict & enable prosperity, people like you are both incomplete & obsolete; a danger to yourself & others. If you can’t participate in those basic practices, you’re unfit for the modern world, & you’re unfit for our advanced civilization. It really is that simple & there’s nothing you can do or say to change that reality.

(((((((  You should resign immediately.  –  I/we have prepared an official request seeking your immediate firing or resignation. That request will go up the chain of command until it is addressed, or until the public servants responsible are removed from office for failing in their duty to act & right this wrong. (Use where appropriate.) *))))))))


Additional Remedies – Transparency & Accountability:


Why shouldn’t parents receive transparency & accountability from those charged & entrusted with the responsibility of protecting AND educating their children?

Transparency & accountability at every level?

Children belong to parents & not to the state, the school system, or teachers.

The school system, teachers, & the state work for parents & citizens, and are answerable to them, & most certainly not the other way around.

Transparency & accountability for those involved with caring for children is a minimum requirement.

Here’s a very important question that’s increasingly being asked:

Why shouldn’t parents have access to room cameras so they can see what their children are being taught, as well as how they’re being treated?

What do teachers & school systems have to hide?

If you’re a parent & you have a child in a classroom, you should have a password that gets you access to the camera feed(s) in every room, of every period, during which your child has a class.

Allowing parents to sit in on their children’s classrooms AND monitor the teachers online is a minimum measure parents should require to ensure their children are being taught & treated appropriately.

Things have gone too far off the rails to any longer place our blind trust in teachers, school systems, school boards, or government in general, for that matter.

Trust, but verify, is the prudent measure of the day, given the proliferation of unresolved problems we’re increasingly experiencing.

Any obstruction of transparency, AND accountability should be met with immediate removal of the obstructing entity.

Enough is enough.



In continuing to address the problems that have brought us to our currently intolerable state:


What has “softened us up” as targets, made us vulnerable?

The complete failure, dishonesty, & fraud of “peer review” in so-called “scientific journals”:

There is only one way to confirm & verify the data from an experiment as accurate: Replication. A different researcher in a different lab repeating the experiment using the exact same “Methods” reported in the write-up of the original experiment. As this is done by multiple researchers in multiple labs, the results are increasingly trusted as accurate & reliable, as the results of the experiment have proven to be repeatable, replicable. There is no alternative to this process for confirming the accuracy & reliability of experimental data.

“Peer Review” is not an alternative to this process & does not offer any confirmation or verification of the accuracy of experimental data whatsoever, though that is very clearly what is falsely implied by those who advocate its usage. It is an extremely dishonest & damaging practice.

Unfortunately, “Peer Review” is just a way for gatekeepers, grifters, to keep the money train rolling; simply a way to profit through deception & lies.

Yes, “Peer Review” is a grift, a lie, plain & simple.

The use of this “Peer Review” process has led to the proliferation of blatantly fraudulent experimental results being promoted & accepted as accurate, meaning true & factual, when indeed they are not. [1] [2] [3]

This has flooded the scientific realm, as well as the rest of the world, with fraudulent & inaccurate data, & allowed for the respectability & proliferation of completely false, harmful, & fraudulent ideologies like Critical Race Theory, among others. The most egregious offenders of this process are the social sciences, by an extremely wide margin, though unfortunately, it is by no means restricted to those areas, having crept into others areas of science as well, perhaps most damaging of all, medical research.

“Peer Review” can be seen as a type of group think mechanism that is easily gamed & manipulated by those with nefarious intent, or those who simply want to personally benefit from outright fraud.


A simple analogy of the problem illustrates why the so-called “Peer Review” process is flawed.

Without using a ruler, how likely are you to believe that I can tell you if something is exactly 752 inches long, just by looking at it?

The process of “Peer Review” is the equivalent of trying to tell if something is 752 inches long without using a ruler.

You simply cannot look at something with complex & unknowable interactions taking place & judge whether the outcomes measured were arrived at accurately. It’s an impossibility.

Only replication can provide that function.

Aside from maybe recognizing particularly egregious methodological errors, the process of “Peer Review” provides no additional useful information regarding a study. In fact, consistent historical evidence conclusively proves that “Peer Review” is not even able to reliably identify particularly egregious methodological errors, or outright frauds. And it most certainly cannot confirm or verify the accuracy of the data obtained from a study. “Peer Review”, as a useful tool, has failed. And worse, it’s proven to be immeasurably destructive.

Now “Peer Review” advocates, whose livelihoods & reputations depend on “Peer Review”, will of course argue the merits of the process with you until the cows come home, but that only hides a self-serving interest, & a fundamental lie about the value & utility of “Peer Review”.

The bottom line is, they are passing off studies as being somehow “confirmed” & “verified” by “Peer Review”, as if that confers some additional amount of believability about the results of the study, despite the fact that the studies have not yet been successfully replicated, the ONLY standard by which one can confirm or verify the reliability of a study & the accuracy of its data.



Journals, universities, researchers, the academic community at large; they have all done us an immeasurable disservice & untold damage by allowing fraudulent data to be accepted as valid. This throws the accuracy of all scientific data into question because it is a problem that is systemic in nature. That is a wholly unacceptable & intolerable circumstance which cannot be allowed to continue.




Since we’re in the neighborhood of education,

On the extremely lazy & misguided misuse of standardized testing:


Finally, it’s time that we start judging potential based on estimations that more closely represent real world conditions & constraints, rather than contrived & unrepresentative measures.


As such,

Since this is such a constantly misunderstood AND misrepresented topic:

It must be stated very, very clearly & strongly that standardized tests are an absolutely terrible & inaccurate measure to use as a means to attempt to predict the likelihood of future success, whether used for admissions or any other purpose. This is NOT NEWS. It has been known for a very, very long time, & backed up by the data; GRADES are a far superior measure for predicting future success than are ANY standardized tests.

Yes, Grades are THE measure that best predicts future success. Why? Because grades are the only measure that takes into account someone’s willingness & ability to work hard to excel. It is a measure that goes well past ‘speed of reaction’ & ‘innate ability’ which is what standardized tests mainly measure, though the degree to which they are actually able to accurately measure ‘innate ability’ is highly questionable & dubious, leaving them as instruments that primarily measure ‘speed of reaction’. This is why standardized tests fail miserably as a predictor of future success, & why grades are a far, far superior predictor of future success. Grades take into account the individual’s willingness to work hard to achieve, which goes far beyond simple measures of reaction speed & innate ability; measures which in most instances of real life are of lesser importance than things such as tenacity in learning a task & the ability to become more efficient over time with continued practice & hard work. Grades are simply a better & more accurate real world approximation of an individual’s potential for future success.

Again, this is not news, not new knowledge. Unfortunately, the areas of science that know this, & have known this for quite some time, have repeatedly failed in their responsibilities to bring this knowledge to the public forefront, indeed, often engaging in the misuse of standardized testing themselves for a variety of self-serving & convenient reasons.

This abuse of the public trust, this failure to uphold the duties & responsibilities entrusted to vital institutions by the citizenry, has become all too common. The time for tolerance toward those continued failures, wherever they may occur, has come to an end. It’s time for accountability for those who fail in their duties to protect the public good & serve the people, whether that failure be in an individual, or in an institution.

To put it succinctly, do your job, or get replaced. Reform, & perform as expected, or be replaced.

Tolerance & patience for continued negligence & failure is at an end.


In summary, standardized testing is simply an extremely lazy way to choose individuals for admission in an extremely competitive environment where applications vastly outnumber available slots. (Ask me how I know this.) It is a marriage of convenience. And unfortunately, it is a disservice to all involved, including the society at large.


Bottom line: Dump standardized testing. It’s a waste of time & resources. {Aside from its misuse for convenience sake, it’s just another regulatory boondoggle.}


Theoretically, if designed, administered, & used properly, a standardized test could perhaps approximately measure the general scope of an individual’s knowledge, and maybe to some degree the depth of that knowledge. However, in reality, these tests have always been, & likely always will be misused & abused. They are primarily used as a quick & easy means to filter candidates by people who have little to no understanding of what the test are meant to measure & how they are to be used. The incentives involved in this process, in the real world, make it unlikely that their misuse & abuse will ever be avoided. As such, discrediting their use as anything other than purely clinical tools meant to assist with assessment by those trained to understand their uses & limitations seems like the only realistic way to end their continued abuse.



Assorted lines of attack (& stray thoughts) that it might be useful to work in at various points:


Possible Characterizations:

Shameful lies by dishonest people with dishonest agendas.

Liars who don’t mind hurting generations of children for their own personal gains.

Absolutely despicable & unacceptable. Intolerable.


Possible Memes:

Stand against the NOK!!! 

(National Organization of Karens)

[Use your imagination on the imaging & have fun!]

After attacking children, they’ve earned every bit of ridicule you can muster.





Have fun & happy hunting!


H/t  to Legal Insurrection for providing updates on the situation on the ground & the details regarding the foundations & organizations behind this effort.


And my personal admiration, respect, & appreciation to the parents on the front lines who are bravely fighting against this false, harmful, & hateful ideology & the nefarious leviathan foundations & organizations who fuel its growth. Thank you a million times over for having the courage to fight!




Some helpful info about getting information from your local school board so you know what you’re up against before you confront them (i.e., how bad the CRT infestation is) : 

Found towards the bottom of the page under the “HOW TO STOP CRT” section:





{All sources of information presenting CRT as a legitimate field of study, such as the following, should be rightly disregarded as pro-CRT propaganda. The following information is only presented so one can clearly understand the specific false claims that are being made by proponents of CRT.}

Succinct background on CRT from: https://libguides.du.edu/c.php?g=931280&p=7098628

The Tenets of Critical Race Theory

Critical Race “scholarship” is unified by two tenets; 

The first is to understand how a regime of white supremacy and its subordination of people of color have been created and maintained in America, and, in particular, to examine the relationship between that social structure and professed ideals such as “the rule of law” and “equal protection.” The second is a desire not merely to understand the vexed bond between law and racial power but to change it.” (Crenshaw et al., 1995)

Daniel G. Solorzano and Tara J. Yosso (2000), rooted in the field of education, state, “at least five elements that form its basic perspectives, research methods, and pedagogy.” They are; (1) the centrality and intersectionality of race and racism; (2) challenge to the dominant ideology; (3) the commitment to social justice ; (4) the importance of experiential knowledge; and (5) the use of interdisciplinary perspectives.”  






Other info sources:

https://www.heritage.org/crt  LOTS of articles, but a bit disjointed. Would benefit from more unified document that people can more easily digest.


Other Helpful Links:





[1] https://spectator.org/science-progress-publishing-journals/

[2] https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124

[3] https://off-guardian.org/2021/07/07/covid19-the-final-nail-in-coffin-of-medical-research/



A final note to those on the wrong side of history, those protecting an ossified & wholly corrupted system that now works against the interests of the people, especially those hundreds of foundations & organizations pumping untold millions into pushing the harmful & destructive false ideologies of CRT & other assorted SJW agendas:

One dude with a blog averaging a handful of posts a year, who would rather be doing other things, absolutely eviscerated a message you’ve spent decades building, untold millions funding, & tens of thousands of man hours developing & promoting.

Ask yourself some very hard questions about what that means.

From every potential point of view this represents a devastating & embarrassing defeat.

Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate the entire collection of effective methods of influence in this new more interconnected & decentralized world we now live in. When any one person can spread a message to all others, crafted simply to appeal to their own self-interests & thus vastly increasing the likelihood of its adoption, perhaps it’s time to ask some serious questions about whether anyone can realistically expect to be able to successfully work against the self-interests of the vast majority of people on the planet.

By appealing to the self-interests common to all human beings, one person has the potential to spread a message that can change the world.

This is the new reality; the power of one man who operates but one shop in an ever-expanding bazaar.

Adapt to that reality, or get replaced.

Read the writing on the wall & get on the right side of history. Do it now, today.

Get out in front of this before it destroys you.

Doubling down will only multiply the pain & other costs of defeat.






Starve the trolls, feed the newbies, & stand at arms with your brothers & sisters.


Truth – Transparency – Reciprocity – Sovereignty – Self-Determination – & the Rule of Law


by Christopher Alan Reid


Regarding this work: Copy, paste, share, & redistribute at will, in whole or in part.


Dispatch to the Constitutional Republic



© 2021 Christopher Alan Reid



